

A pen's magic
In the beginning was the word, it was just said and there would be no way we would have known it had it not been written. A pen is the mastermind behind the greatest innovations. It all starts with a sketch. A pen is a judge, it wrote down the ten commandments onto a page in the Bible. But what do we have to do with a pen? Lots of people today are what they are because they made good use of the pen. Poets, authors, and journalists. The same pen you have can make your life something to be proud of. The same pen you use to write an application for a vacancy or job can be used to make things right in times of grudges by just a simple hand written apology. For sure, we have everything to make our lives better in our hands. Am talking about the pen. Be it politics, or our social life, it can all be set right if we use the pen just right. Pick it up and sketch your destiny.
© Victor Manuel