

NOSTALGIA (part three)
They geared up ready to face whatever attacked Davis. but the only weapon they had was the chiefs 9mm pistol. which they knew wouldn't be effective from what they learned from the radio. they set out to see what was going on when they got there they saw nothing at first. but then they saw officer Davis standing still as a rock with his gun in the air. they approached quickly but cautiously they whispered. "Davis are you okay?"
just then they heard a twig snap behind them then a dark figure swooped down from a tree and they both froze. then Irene's eyes glowed with a sickening golden hue. as she faded into fantasy. a dream you may call it, I would call it a nightmare. the dream destroys the mind like no other thing on the planet as she secumed to nostalgias power... the end for now.
© MD