

Darkness is all that surronded us
Standing there in that room, his scent intoxicating like a hazardous fume. Brings you down with a warning but nothing can be done even if you tried

A small streak of light, the only ray through the small crack of the closed curtains
Night time it was, Moon on its brink to complete wholesomeness

Only the breaths diffused the deafening silence of the enclosed space
Like a hazard or natural disaster he seemed, because that's all i could sense and feel in the moment

Warnings were up, Flight or Fright, Adrenaline kick was derilium
Or maybe it was the battle in my mind or the resistance, but the pull was obviously playing something

Like i said hazard or natural disaster?
Natural disaster it seemed to possibly be
No curiosity to how hazardous a hazard can be
But instead Trance, A Whirlpool?no? ,A Hurricane?no?, Volcano?no???
Maybe a little bit of both
A hurricane it was, kept me in a trance even though i could see the danger coming

Flight kicks and it's late, I am swallowed whole
A volcano eruption it became, The way ember reached the oil before i swallowed it up
Ablaze it went, and i was gone
A whirlpool it became as frisky giddiness took its tour

In a blink of an, ecstacy that fueled frenzy is all lingering in the air
Was all like snap ,the reality of actual danger coming towards you
Trance broken, flight is final call but i chose to let it engulf me like a phagocyte

Opening my eyes, a streak of morning sunlight dawning me of the blessing of a new day
Arms of my doom holding me close
His smile; angelic, Eyes upon me as i looked up to his, he glew more, like a igniting splint proving the presence of Oxygen which it looked to be i was to him
Who knew were the today would take me once more
Not a care! Bliss was it, all that i felt..

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