

Wings of Truth
Short Story!!

I've been told I'm unique. I've been told of all the fairies, I am the most beautiful. Golden wings, copper hair, emerald eyes and olive skin. I am Princess Olive. No one understands the strife I struggle through everyday. Being in the royal family means I have gifts. My gift is that people must tell the truth around me. Shouldn't I be happy, instead of afraid?

Emmy, you were my best friend. All I had. Why, why did you have to succumb to my abilities. I would rather believe a lie then know that you were using me all this time. So what? My life is full of posers, people you pretend to care for me. I guess my mother was right when she said my little Wings of Truth were going to be my downfall. My abilities are going to turn me evil, I know it.

'Olive,' I murmur to myself as I think all of this, rocking back and forth, crying upon my bed, 'Dont dwell on the hurtful.'

I can't. It's impossible. The moment I learned the truth about Emmy, she was gone. Never to love me or be my friend again. I didn't have anyone left. In 4 days I was going to become Queen Olive. How does the help? How can I be a queen, when I can't stay out of my depression? I miss being young, and not having an ability yet. Now I do, but it seems to hurt more than help.

You cursed Wings of Truth.
© Ladybugz