

Fate Changes
Here I am, a 17 years old boy,
Playing and sweating in the hot summer sun,
Enjoying my youth.
Life isn’t easy, but I don’t mind and walk closely behind my father
Until it happened, then everything changed!
When I open my book, there’s a picture that I cherished,
In the winter of that year, when father find out that my childhood sweetheart was pregnant,
My life undergo a huge change
Father was determined not to forgive me, “Choose between her and your family!”
My last chance was given, just because of religious believes,
she has a Christain background while my family were Muslims
We were not compatible.
Maybe I might regret this decision later,
But I was determined to save the life of my wife and child.
Using this lifetime, this period, this moment,
To exchange my life for her.
I’m willing to be a figure behind her,
Even if the night is too cold and dark.
Expecting sincerity just with this voice, these thoughts and efforts.
No one knows what the future holds,
I’ve given everything I have for her,
Sharing sadness and happiness that even in difficult times, we’ll get through it together.
But, when my daughter was born, my wife gave up and left, leaving the child with me alone.
I have abandoned my career, with no job, walking from door to door, doing people’s house chores, just to feed me and my child.
Loneliness will come to an end!
Nobody wants a fugitive life.

Everything that is being done, is for an achievement

Failure to overcome a situation and being tripped in it.

Walking on this journey of life, fighting your way through, just to give up, when you are almost at the end.

Time passes and the environments changes

A thought of longing spreads in the warm breeze

I won’t surrender to fate!