Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do you run the opposite way or face your fears?
I am Julia Roberts,I am quite experiencing the same.
Well,It all started on a cold winter day.
These days I haven't been able to have my daily nap!
Oh!Hi there it's me in your all time favorite channel *Other dimensions.*
So today our little friend Mr. Hybrid has sent me a report on the place he visited.
I softly picked up the paper from the table taking it in my palms and ready to read it aloud.
I cleared my throat and started.
Dear Julia,It's been about five months since I have come here to explore the secret's of the disappearance of
Mr. Thomson.(If you don't know why I call him little friend,that's because I...
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do you run the opposite way or face your fears?
I am Julia Roberts,I am quite experiencing the same.
Well,It all started on a cold winter day.
These days I haven't been able to have my daily nap!
Oh!Hi there it's me in your all time favorite channel *Other dimensions.*
So today our little friend Mr. Hybrid has sent me a report on the place he visited.
I softly picked up the paper from the table taking it in my palms and ready to read it aloud.
I cleared my throat and started.
Dear Julia,It's been about five months since I have come here to explore the secret's of the disappearance of
Mr. Thomson.(If you don't know why I call him little friend,that's because I...