

Death lies behind/ Chapter 3- What just happened?
Matthew told them that the machete was did his but why both of them came to his room to find it.
Dana and Lina replied saying that he murdered Sam and also Minho last year.
For a moment, Matthew stood there with his mouth wide open but then he burst laughing and confessed that even if he had killed Sam with the knife, where is the blood on the machete?
Dana and Lina looked clearly at the edge of the machete's blade and found out that the blade's edge is like it had never been used.
As Matthew tried to stop his laughter, Lina and Dana left the room.
Lina told Dana that their first suspect Matthew is clear and they discussed who else can be the suspects. As they discussed, they didn't realise that it was past 10 at night. They set out of Dana's room to take a quick night breeze outside before going back to their rooms when they heard a huge tumbling and falling from Matthew's room.
Both of them peeked into his room to see Matthew...