

What life expect from us?
We all are expecting too much from our life. Did you all ever imagined that what life expects from us?
1) Accept Reality, prepare your mind to accept the reality.
2) Be desireless as desires are the main curse of sorrow and if we feel grief than we won't able to remain happy anymore.
3) Be in a present moment, don't think about past it was just like a dream and don't think about future too because it's all up to you.
4) Value of time, be punctual if you know how to do the value of time than even you could be move ahead in your life.
5) Sense of patience, because nothing is permanent except the God.
6) Positive attitude and attitude of Gratitudes(thanksgiving).
7) Don't make access your thoughts to allow you let's you have the control over your thoughts and over your mind.
8) Emotional independence, don't be depend on your emotions jut control them.
9) Be prepared for worst even, as we all prepare for the best only just make yourself in practise to prepare for unfavourable conditions as well.
10) Don't miss the opportunity just grab it, as it's human tendency that we always wait for perfect moments, so don't wait just grab.
11) Stop to be empathatic, stop thinking that what others think about you after all its your life and your choice so just mind your own.
12) Have a will power, to face anything and rise again.
Thank you so much to everyone

© Kashish Chandnani