

Future of tomorrow's Past Chapter one what have I done
The 1st part was already released i Suggest you read that before this.

I remember thinking as I was propped up against The metal wall it Can't End like this. I start to feel my eyes get heavier then before going in-and-out of consciousness. As the sound from outside grows more intense the throbbing pain in my Leg Intensifies. I can Slowly feel myself slipping towards the floor to drop to one knee. And all I could think about was no Dam it not like this. as I couldn't hold back anymore I lose consciousness.... Hours pass by As I slowly open my eyes to see everything of a blur. Opening and shutting my eyes to readjust to the sunlight. I quickly jerked my head towards my leg to see a Homemade bandages wrapped tightly around securing And pressurizing the wound from the Straythes claws. And in that moment I hear a Raspy but calm voice. Whoa now Don't move too quickly you where in one hell of A fight my dear boy. I put some medicine on that wound you have there you're actually lucky to be alive if i say so myself. What the hell you doing this far from the reserve anyway he says. Now at this moment I had no Clue what he Was talking about as I have never heard of a place called the Reserve before. Reserve I say With confusion in my voice. the reserve my dear boy You know Did that Straythe mess you up worse than I thought He says. I can assure you I have no idea what you're talking about I say to him. Wait a minute you're serious you've never heard of the reserve. It's the line that crosses from premiet To outside of The wasteland. We Call it the Reserve from the line that meets in between he says to me. premiet I say with more confusion. The city boy You been sleeping under a rock he says. He hands me a jug full with water I quickly take It and start Downing it like it was my last Jug of water I ever had. Whoa slow down boy It's got to last me till I get back he says. The names Steve Harold. Now I'm heading there now You come along if you like. but I suggest we let you rest for a little Longer to let that Wound heal up a little more. I think to myself this could be a great opportunity For me to get some supplies And to reach communication Like I had never done before. to be continued......
