

A Dose of Clarity
The struggle between living and losing to the schemes of time never ends. It is a journey of not-so-easily-fathomable mysteries. One moment you are high up in the skies, savoring, and the next you are hanging by a thread, fighting for your sanity and composure. One minute you are joyful and thriving; the next you feel defeated and lost. These changing tides can be very unfriendly. They can shake the very foundation of your state of being and let questions and discomfort in. They bring with them a wave of thoughts that aim to drive you into familiarly strange places that you might not like. Coming to terms with the revelations is never appealing because we are clothed creatures with ugly patches and lives. And those places, they show just how faulty and imperfect as people we really are. At the end of the day, we are the hand that gives and the hand that takes. For us, nothing is ever enough. In as much as life is bountiful, we who live it lack in so many ways. You are lacking!

Is there really a true balance in life? The weal and woe are everyone’s part of existence, and if we intend to truly be alive, we cannot be free from the spoils of both sides. But when you have been a victim of the lesser fun side of this thing for the most part, it is easy to see the spheres of living as nothing but unfair. Every step you try to make towards that direction you so desire to be on feels heavy. The burdens of the journey are in plenty and never merciful; the weight of what you have to carry with you seems to want to sink you to the earth with every stride you take, with most days draining all your strength and will to move ahead. And you are doomed if you stop to rest, as rest to the living is borrowed and is only real when one takes the last of air. So, the choice that remains until then is to continue forward, with hope and resolve, regardless of the pull from the opposite direction. These paths are the hand that we were served as humans; embracing the phases is onus. Experience, you are living.

© Ommie