

our love story(How we started)

Our love story is what I call weirdo... We meet on a social media platform and how we started is still a surprise to me.
Looking back in time.. One and half years now.. I saw a message on my messenger and it's from a guy and the message has been sent a day before, being the type of person I am(always replying every messages in respective of whom it is from ) I replied his message in the right manner, and probably he didn't see the message just like the way I didn't see his message on the day he sent it cause he replied the next day.. When he replied I was online and I replied back instantly and he introduced himself telling me he wants us to know each other better and we actually did some introduction and the conversation started getting interesting and in the middle of our conversation I got to know he knows me and we happen to be in the same university and even in the same college (what is known as faculty in some other universities)
Few days after our chat he told me that he wants to know each other better and we exchanged numbers (what some girls felt is wrong but I always feels okay with)
He told me he wants us to be more than friends which doesn't sound welcoming to my ears and I told him we can be just friends which he never debated further
We were on break in school which couldn't give us the opportunity to meet but we kept chatting and started becoming close.. Close to the extent that we can hardly do without chatting in a day.
Few months later (3 months later) he came around where we stay and we got to meet and he is exactly what I imagined he will look like (don't tell anyone but he actually look handsome).. A month after we resumed and we got to meet constantly, I even paid him visits... During the constant visit we got to know each other better and I don't know but it seems that some kind of feeling starts growing within.
We talked every time and another semester went by in school.. We went on break and during break he asked me out again and I said no but he kept pressing and I finally agreed but I told him we should just try it if it will work.. But before a week lapses I already concluded it can't work and I don't know what he feels like to him cause he didn't call me for like a week and I end up being the one that called him.. Accusing him of not calling being the cool guy he was he apologized and that day happened to be my birthday but I didn't tell him, which he later found out and he eventually called me in the evening to wish me.
It was already a week to resumption and he came back to school.. I actually don't go on breaks cause actually my house originally is just ₦50 cab to my school so.... He called me when he got to school that he is moving out of his previous apartment and he wants me to see his new place and I met on the way so he took me to his place.
It was around that resumption time ramadan fast started(am a Muslim actually) so in the middle of the fast we got to talk alot and I got to tell him more about religion and social life and our friendship grow more and he brought up the idea of us dating again and I actually declined(don't see me as someone pompous and I wasn't playing hard to get.. But dating never sounded good to my hearing cause of so many shits involved) but this time around he kept pressing and he told me he doesn't want friendship from me that what he actually wanted was for us to be together and I didn't actually say yes but I played along cause he made a statement that he doesn't believe in a guy and lady friendship and at that time have grown so use to him cause of ever listening attitude he never snubs me even when what I was talking about was meaningless ... And that is either a yes or no friendship at all(pretending like we never meet).
Some weeks after ramadan ended was his birthday.. the day I finally said yes officially.. Putting our relationship on some terms(some was met and some wasn't but we always prayed for grace ).. And this was 7 months after I met him.. I actually was happy that I said yes cause he showed me pure love and he still has this attitude of always listening to me and taking my advice. He also was someone that never shouted at me and all this attitude are what I wanted in my husband cause I hated violence
Am so happy I meet him and we hope, we wish and we pray for the grace of God to always stay together from now till the end.. It's been a year now and we pray it never ends

**The End **