

Envy's embrace
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

Jealousy, it claws at your mind's peace, it destroys you from within. but that did not stop me from being jelouse.
I don't know how or when I got to be this jealous of her, but I can say as time goes by I only grow more jealous.

She is so perfect, so carefree and carries herself with so much confidence that instead of me being inspired I only burn with envy.

I loved her once upon a time, I was content with her, but now that I've drifted so far away, every glimpse of her reminds me of all that I am lacking.

Her smiles, the innocence in her eyes, I wish that was me. It was like looking in a mirror but now not even a single part about us is the same.

I was good to her, but the hatred that feels me everytime I think about her makes me wonder how I got to be how i am and how she was so perfect and innocent.

people tell me to not give up for her, to think about what she would say if she saw me now, but I know she wouldn't believe me , she would not accept who I have become. She would laugh in my face saying "I always knew deep down you would end up like this, the worst version of yourself"

And they say to hope with her in mind, she is in my mind, every single moment I am breathing, she's screaming at how she can't believe that I could be such a mess while she's still perfect and that just feels me with rage and the desire to break every good thing I have achieved, which is not much,
to show her that if I am ruined, so is she.

What can you do when jealousy is the only other feeling from the eternal dread than to embrace it with open arms.
Now I am here looking straight at my younger self with so much jealousy that it hurts but I still want to protect her, even though it's too late.
© masi