

Maybe I'm Icarus
Maybe I'm Icarus. Maybe I'm too close to my Sun... I don't know. I hear a voice, it is saying that I'm too close to the Sun, that I'm gonna to die. I don't care...

I'm so close, It starts to hurt. Oh my God, that voice... again. It says: YOU WILL BURN, YOU WILL DIE! but I don't care. This feeling... that I have to go closer to the Sun... is way too big. And I don't care if I will die, I want to see the Sun.

Why not the Moon? Because the Sun means Appolo and I want to see Apollo. If I have to Die, I will. I don't want to see Selene, I want too see Apollo, I can't understand why...

Something, is feeling weird and diffrent, the voice is screaming that my wings are burning.
  It was true, my wings are burning. It hurts, it hurts as the love of Lucifer for Eva. It hurts like the Titanic. It hurts like a deep coma. It hurts like a war. But I don't care.

And that voice, my fathers voice... I can't do what it wants, I needed to see Apollo.

And I saw him, right there. He was the Sun, I just had to get closer to can see. He was crying, I know why, because he knew that I will suffer, that I'm gonna to die just because I was loving a God.

I'm close to the earth, after that, I will be dead, but I saw the heaven, the heaven isn't far by the Sun, you just need to accept the pain, you have to be the pain.

(I'm very sorry for grammar mistakes)
© to not copy right
(I will post it on Wattpad and Instagram very soon)