


You said you love me ..
I was afraid of heartbreaks
Then, I Fell for the LOVE you gave me...
We were madly in love 😍
You loved me ,I loved the love you gave me ❤️
I saw the times when you was longing for me ..
But now I never feel like you want me ..
I saw your love only in the goodnight messages you wrote to me..
I waited for those messages even though they came very late in the night..😔
You always messaged me 'I love You' in the end of the day ..but I had not seen the love of you for days ...
You started to ignore me as days passed .. You took me for granted ..Many times I reached for you and your love , which I couldn't see unless I ask or approach for it...
You were busy all the time ..

Then I stopped taking initiatives .. I started to spend more time for myself .. Then one day YOU complained " I never cared for you"..
I thought you still love me but nothing become as it was in the first days of love...You played with my heart and feelings whenever I thought of moving on.. You made me confused..

When I felt like I can't tolerate it anymore ,I asked for a break .I said I want to move on...
Soon, I lost many of our mutual friends ,they said I dumped you .My family said " I always play with hearts". No one saw how broke I was .. No one know how broke I was for the past few months.. No one understand the fact that you made me to move on...

Now I don't know whether my heart has recovered with patch ups I've done..Yes you are a "BRILLIANT lover" but I don't think my heart deserves even a chance of another heartbreak ..
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