

13. Keep counting princess
Mia's P.O.V

It's been awhile since he kidnapped me. I hate myself for running away. He has been torturing me. He sleeps in the same bed as me. He wants me to do weird things like feed him and to top it all off he drinks my blood and honestly I'm slowly losing sanity.

I can remember certain things. I had a book that I wrote in to help me know how long I was here for but now I don't even remember where it is. I used to count the days now I don't even know what day it is. I'm slowly losing my mind.

"Mia darling I'm thirsty bring your sexy ass over here"

I walked over towards him. I don't even fight anymore. I honestly want to die. I sat on his leg and he sank his fangs in my neck and started drinking my blood.

He explained to me that he doesn't need blood to survive. He even told me he never drank blood before but he heard from his brothers that blood is like a drug to demons when they drink it they get high and he wanted to get high off my blood.

After he was finished he laid me down on the bed and lay beside me he then started spooning me. I tried pushing him off but I was weak and his grip was strong.

I want to die. I hope he kills me soon. I don't even know his name or who he is or why he's doing this. I want to be free of him. I feel like I'm in hell.

"What's your name, why did you kidnap me, how did you know me?" I asked.

"I'm Dominic I'm Dimitri's brother his younger brother actually and I kidnapped you because Dimitri stole my woman many decades ago and I am now taking revenge by kidnapping you I know you because I have been watching you for a while now"

I started crying if I never ran away from the supernatural world I would never be in so much trouble right now.

"Dominic how long has it been since you kidnapped me"

"Mia darling it would make two years in a month"

"So I have been away from the supernatural world for five years now"

"Three years Mia darling you were here for a year and I kidnapped you for two that makes three"

"Oh where did I live before you kidnapped me"

"Oh my darling Mia I think the Macbain got to you brain you're forgetting things"

"Please let me go Dominic please I never did you anything" I said with tears in my eyes.

He got off the bed and headed out the door. He came back minutes later with a glass of water at least I think that's what it is.

"Drink this my darling Mia" he said softly.

I took a sip but it tastes bitter. I try to push it away but he forces me to drink it all down. I felt a little better. I got a bit of my energy back.

I feel good but I still feel a bit weak. I lay on the bed. I need to take a nap. I'm not feeling well. I think it's because he drank from me.

"Don't worry my Darling you would be free soon"

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