

Snack Time

The mouse crept through the silent house in search of its nightly meal. It's ears pricked at the scream, causing it to stand on its hind legs to spot the source. When the body came crashing down, it scampered away with its tiny heart beating fiercely.

Something indeed was amiss here in the Tree house. Mrs. Tree was lying on the floor, and she wasn't moving. There was a spot of liquid forming under her body, and it slowly oozed outward onto the floor.

The poor little mouse had not hung around to witness what was going to happen next. Had he done so he might have been shocked to see that things were not as it had seemed.

"Oh my aching head," exclaimed Mrs. Tree. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around.

She felt for her left arm with the right hand, and upon feeling that there was nothing broken she continued to check her other extremities. "Left leg and foot are ok," she said to herself.

Every part seemed to be ok, with the exception of her rump. "A body would think that with all of this padding that I carry this tumble would have not hurt so bad." Mrs. Tree said quietly to herself.

This was one of those moments that as quickly as it happens you look around to see if anyone was present to witness your downfall.

"Just look at yourself, Gladys Tree. You are a mess, what with all of this strawberry cobbler all over you."

From his hole in the corner of the room, a mouse waited and watched for his chance to gather up some of those sweet strawberries to take home to the Mrs.
© Kurt Frazier