

Emo Empath
We all are struggling in something...
Didn't the Lord say "To carry each others burdens" which actually means to be with them through it all...not to judge them more, not to condemn them, to be there in every step of the way. Not judge their past or continue to bring up their faults, to let the past be the past and not to let it define who you are.

So many are going through anxiety, depression, self-harm, toxicity in their lives that causes their health to go down. Many have self-esteem issues, many are angry on the inside, they want out, they want their life turned around. They want their lives to mean something. Many will turn the pages and think, "They're fine, they're just faking it"...

Because you do belong, you are special, you do have purpose...there is HOPE.

You may not want to believe in Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus, but He loves you regardless. He doesn't want you to remain in bondage.

Come to Him, and He will give you the rest you truly need.


What I have been through all this time, and realizing I can't stop from what I have gone through it's a healing process when you allow Him to take over. I was pretty close to delete Facebook because of everything going on. It's been a real spiritual war and lots of seeking Him. What I have gone through, could help someone else who needs a boost too, and I pray this will help many to not give up but to keep striving.❤️‍🩹

© Lioness_Speaks/Miri Lynn