

Nepotism -does it effect the life of the people who are talented and hardworking?

When a word nepotism strikes in our mind what does it actually mean ? Nepotism means when a particular person gains particular position in any field because of the favour they get from their friends , relatives without seeing their capabilities how much they are dedicated towards their work . So in short we can say getting jobs without any efforts . What you'all feel this is not injustice with the people who really struggles a lot ?? And make more efforts and are more capable then the people who get job easily ??.

Nowadays wherever you go you get to see nepotism in any field it may be . Today efforts and higher marks doesn't have any value . It's all about favours and money . If you have any person who works in particular field than his relative can easily get job over there whithout any efforts . Than what about the people who are struggeling lot for years for the same job ? . It's so injustice with those people . Everywhere this is taking place...