

They Come and Go
People come and go. I have seen them leave. It has been a part of life. Whether we like it or not, it’s going to happen. No matter how much we take a grip of them, there’s no stopping it.

I’ve always ask myself, “why is everyone in a rush to turn away?” I don’t understand why most of them leave rather than choosing to stay. Why do they feel much obligated to run away instead of remain? It’s always the ones you do not expected, the ones you cared about, the ones you love the most who end up hurting you the deepest. I’ve grown accustomed to this. I’ve stopped being surprised anymore. I’ve stooped letting them have so much power in my life. My world turned into a raging storm, and I am the center of the entire mess. I just let them destroy parts of me, I let them tear me into pieces. I gave everything. I gave him the power to leave me wary and miserable. That’s when I realized, those people are going to leave your life.

I try to look at situations in a realistic perspective. After someone who meant the world to me left, I had to become smarter and wiser in deciding better choices. Now, when I enter new relationships, I don’t give them all. I don’t dive deep into my heart, pouring all my guts to them. I built walls. I guard it. I protect it. I make sure the walls are bold enough. I try to keep my head above water. I try not to fall so fast, so hard, so soon. I am not sure if this kind of mindset is healthy but I always told myself that I’ve had enough people leave, to start recognize that not everyone will love me. Not everyone will root for me. Not everyone will have a permanent place in my heart. Not everyone I met is going to want to stay. I’ve decided to let go of the notion that love conquers all, that it is like a glue, that it fixes everything. Because the truth is, people are always going to leave. Some people are always going to want the next best thing. Some people are not meant to stay. And maybe, that’s okay. Because maybe in their leaving, we gain ourselves.