


"What can I say,she is really pretty and well,quite as smart as he. They must be of the same level,who am I to contend with her?",I talk to myself as I walk down the halls to my classroom.
There is this person,a new kid,a girl.She had transferred from her school to ours and it has been a year since she had been here.We have been friends for a while and she is an amazing person but, there is one thing that I don't find right,and that is ,how she behaves with my****.
Honestly, the confusion is understandable but I'll explain. The person I speak of is an amazing person that I want to be with forever. He is the most responsible and God fearing boy I had ever laid my eyes on.we have been friends for 4 years now and I wouldn't trade it for anything.My love for him grows each passing day but he knows nothing of it.
He only thinks we are friends but I know it's more than that.
Now to go back to my story.
Little miss perfect here was almost a perfect match for my dear unrequited love interest and this was not settling right with me.
At first, I thought oh, maybe I should try to help her make more friends and I introduced her to all of mine(yes, including him) and yh, that was a mistake. She stole everyone from me.
As I reached my classroom, I am met with a little discussion going on with her and him. Their seats were closer to eachother now and it was easier for them to talk.
I coughed as I entered the classroom, breaking their flow.
Her: "Hey Lum, good morning."
I look at her awful smiling face, she looks so annoying and there's him, just looking at me like I'm some kind of alien.
I smile : "Good morning. you came early today, is everything good this term?"
She chuckled in that her vexatious voice.
Her: "I actually decided to start coming early this year and well, i see you aren't as early as you should be, considering you live just minutes away from school"
The audacity or this ..this....this...this thing!!
As I looked at her, trying not to show my annoyance, my other friend came to the scene.
F1: "Hiii, good morning, are you okay?"
I looked at her, glad that she was here and just nodded.
The guy of my dreams stood up and everyone just turned to look, he went on to state that he had a class so he is off.
I looked at him as he walked away. He never really gave me any eye contact.
We all went back to our seats as we also had a class.
I feel things are going to be more interesting this term and, i don't know if I'm ready for it.

© #milialate.4