

Vampyric Lover (a short passage from the book)
And the world was spread out before me like a giant electric eel pulsing with light. My brain cells rebelled in their normal fashion. Choirs of the souls of the dammed abounded, drifting through fields of static.
Control was the name of the game but I wasn't playing.

She swung with a left but I countered and
disemboweled her with a swift toenail to the thorax. Where was Mr. magoo when I needed him. Throbbing and thumping my eye sockets looked for the orbs to replace those they had lost. My mind was
freewheeling and I liked it.

I'm sorry Melissa, but the watch on my hand new we were through and out of time. Off and running, here I go again, the electric boogaloo of my minds eye. You didn't succeed but you sure as hell tried. Pull your
fangs out and take a rest why don't you, bloodsucking bitch. I know where you've been and who you ate because life's a buffet when you've got fangs, isn't it.
Why don't you sink them into the goddamn world while your at it.

No more dismemberments, no more jars of blood for your cold kisses, you pale succulent bitch, I'm through. I find no pleasure in your cold cunny, its like the crypt from whence you came, so go back.
Death is yours to keep but not mine.

#horror #humour ##erotica #vampire #fantasy