

Does life give us a second chance? Will I utilize the tools given to me? Is it real this time? So many unanswered questions that I overwhelm myself in them. I can't understand this or even diret my thinking away from them. I am a mess, all the while, trying to put the pieces back together. I am told to be selfish. I am also told to keep moving forward. This thing, called recovery, is one of the hardest things I've ever had to face. Recovery is a whole entire lifestyle change meaning, I have to walk away from certain people in my life. I have to be "selfish." I have to start over and I have to face reality. I have to change. I have come to accept these consequences, for this is something I have done to myself. I am accountable for my choices. The blame lies only on me. I am my own worst enemy and my story isn't over. I want to take this step seriously. I have relapsed already and I feel as if I failed but, my story isn't over yet. I have to pick myself back up off the floor. Take it as being a part of recovery, and keep moving forward. I can and WILL do this, not only for me but for my family. It's time for a change, Its time to face reality and its time to accomplish RECOVERY!!