

11. I sense a demons
Mia's P.O.V

It has been a year since I left the supernatural world. I must say I have no regrets. It's so fun here. I have new friends, my own apartment, my own life. I can be who I want to be. I don't have to be Princess Mianea of Vainova anymore. I'm free at last.

I didn't realize how imprisoned I felt until I left. Now I don't think I even want to return. I miss my family. I miss them so much and that would be the reason for my return one day but vainova would not see me again for now.

It was eight and work was finally over. The girl and I are going out to a new club called explosion and I can't wait to hit the dance floor.

I hurry out to catch the last bus home. I want to be ready when the girls come and pick me up. I ran to the bus stop. I know I can easily teleport home but I made a promise I won't use my powers unless I have to. I was at the bus stop sitting on a bench when I felt this disturbing feeling like someone is watching me then I sense a oh no a demon is here.

I got up off the bench and I turned to see a very tall handsome guy with jet black hair and bright ice blue eyes. If I didn't know better I would mistake him for an angel but I know that's not the case.

"Hello princess Mianea or should I call you Mia darling"

"Who are you? and what do you want? I would not return to the supernatural world I would never"

He started laughing. I looked at him with a serious look but he just looked at me laughing. The bus was finally here. I got in and the bus drove off. I looked out the window and he was waving and smiling. I gave him a glare and turned my head away from him.

"You're such a lucky Lady to have such a handsome young man to be your boyfriend," said the old lady sitting next to me.

"Miss he is not my boyfriend he's a guy I just met I don't even know him" I replied.

"Are you sure you don't know him?"

This old lady has the nerve to be up in my business. We literally just met why is she asking so many questions. It's none of her business.

I have this feeling oh no there's a vampire on this bus where it is I bet that demon sent it to follow me I started looking around I felt something poke me in the neck and then I passed out.

I am moving. Someone is carrying me somewhere. I can hear him speaking but I can't move a muscle. I don't know why it's like I'm fully awake with my eyes closed and my body lifeless.

Where is he taking me? I know it's not home because he didn't need to drug me to carry me home. I hope he's not going to kill me. I am immortal but not invincible. I can be killed.

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