


I crouched behind a tree, breathless from running through the forest for three days now.
I groaned as a leaf grazed the large gash on my belly.
The burning tears that dripped from my eyes didn’t matter to my fifteen year old mind.

I huddled forward and ran on, deeper into the forest.
Where had I gone wrong ?
Was it my fault that I was born a deaf mute ?
Even then, what wicked tradition demands a deaf mute to be sacrificed every year ?
I slowed down as I got to the river boundary.
I knew the guards chasing me would be here shortly.
Not that I cared.
Life was hard enough. Death should be easier.
I’d sooner drown in my own grief than be sacrificed.
I waded into the frigid water. Midway through, I stopped.

There were two men at the far end of the river. Spies ?
One turned in my direction and I ducked under the water.
He couldn’t have seen me, right ? Yet he smiled.
As I looked on, of the men suddenly grabbed him and pushed him under the water.
Was this a murder ? I watched on.
Immediately, the water grew warmer.
Soft beautiful bubbles appeared all about me. What was happening.
I looked on and I saw…

It couldn’t be!
A dove whiter than the purest of snow, landed on the head of He that was dipped in water.
I wiped my eyes with my already wet hands.
A jolt ran through my body and I heard a voice from heaven…
I heard! I heard!
I can hear!
It echoed,
“This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” I felt my body for my wounds.
They were gone!
I waded through the water to meet Him.

Looking on to Him, I opened my mouth to speak, And all at once I knew His name.
I whispered it as loud as I could, “Jesus”

And a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased..
Matthew 3:17

#english #englishstory #christian #hope

© TheKingsSon