

For everyone having a writing crisis
There are times, writing is easy. You only have to sit down and take out a pan or sit down at computer. You just sit down, and it flows out of you. You write one chapter than another already the day ends. In bed you can't sleep because your head is still in this created world. You process your work, overthink ideas and construct your following story line or you fine some new rhymes for your poem and as soon as you wake up you sit down at the table and write a chapter, maybe two. But there are also times, when writing is hard. When the words don't come out of you, when you are not satisfied with your work, when you over criticize yourself or when you just loose your motivation to write and you sit one hour, two, and the day ends and all you have is a sheet of paper full of marks, erasing and linings or a blank office document on the computer. You try again but still nothing comes out of you and what comes out of you is not enough for you. For all of you having a hard time to write. It's okay. Don't push yourself to hard. Take as much time as you need. Just write for yourself. Don't think about not beeing able to post again or not having fullfilled the daily goal of one chapter. It's okay. Just write as much as you want and can. Just write as much, as you enjoy. The words will come, the ideas will come. If not today than tomorrow. You are a good writer and it's okay to go through phases...