

when i'm on my way
I am traveling
away from home
as I continue
where I am going
and met an
old on the road and staring
seems to know each other.
I continued my walk
but I stopped and turned to him
and I also noticed that he also stopped
my chest aches I think he might be hungry and want to drink and ask for food
I felt sorry for him for a moment and I just approached him so I could ask what he wanted if I could help someone I would do as long as I could.
It was noon but I found out
that he had not eaten yet
and he agreed
he was walking a long way
and he wanted to go home to my house and I felt sorry for him because I was also a poor person like him, I was just younger than him and strong and what I did was the little money I gave him he said it was enough for him to go home and I was surprised that he showed me the money he earned and I asked if you had any money where did you get that?
he just bent down and sobbed
and tells me he is begging
rather than stealing and smuggling.
I admire him and cry
if the old people can make a way to live, why are some young people now lazy and holding up on the road oh so stealing just to have something to eat and stuffing their stomachs, but the old man works hard and sacrifices on the way just to get to where he lives.

© Nhelz decoronel Bautista