

Who Owns The World?

Some people believe the world is more theirs than others, it shows in their character and actions, how they tend to hold on to things that are not rightfully theirs even at the expense of others, they want the best out of life at all cost, they don't care whose toes they step on as long as they get what they want.

Some people make a fortune out of other people's sweat and blood (monkey works while baboon does nothing but eat), they reap out of people's misery, how do they sleep at night? Are these people made by the same God we all profess to love? God, says to love your neighbor as yourself, that is very important because love conquers everything.

Some people say they love God but break his commandments, most people are quick to judge, quick to weigh how much respect they will accord an individual by simply assessing his/her appearance to ascertain his/her financial status first, and people attach too much value on vanity and that has led people to want to get rich by all means necessary so that, they too can feel among, being comfortable is very different from doing despicable things to gather material things you don't need to impress people who don't even know you.

The world will be a much better place to live in, if we look beyond the physical appearance and start looking out for a person's character and intentions instead, it will do us a lot more good, the character of a person defines the person, his values, his empathy or compassion toward other people, nobody on earth is going to remember you because you were rich or influential, the world and the people's life whom you affect negatively or positively is how you will be remembered. It takes a lot of energy to be wicked and resentful, but it takes absolutely nothing to be kind and good to people.

So before you desire something so badly, things such as power, money, and a relationship, ask yourself why you want this thing so badly, do you want it for your selfish gain? Do you want it so that you can put value into people's lives? Do you want it just to show the world? Give yourself honest answers to these questions, then you will know the kind of person you are, and you can use that to judge yourself if it is fair for these things to be put in your possession, even if you know it will turn into a disaster when it is entrusted to you.

Love hard, love wisely, love selflessly, love indiscriminately, love with passion and expect nothing in return, love all, like Christ loves the church and everything will come back to you in double folds. LOVE, PEACE, AND LIFE.

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