

Murder of Savita Bai
The train arrived at 2:30, at lokhandwala station, I peek from the door of the train where I was standing to see Savita but I couldn't see. I had a doubt why she didn't came to welcome me from the platform but I didn't care about it and who may care about it but still.
I took a taxi and came home the door was closed from inside and I saw her sandels she wears, I thought she is in home. I knock the door silently, I stand there for a few minutes waiting her to open door. From my right hand side Ganpath Kaka called me and said.
Welcome home, after long time? He said he didn't saw Savita from yesterday. I got worried and thought. From yesterday Savita missing? How it could have happened. I knocked again impatient to the door four times and called Savita in a loud voice but still she didn't open.
Also your aunty yesterday knock to give ladoos she made yesterday she knock but Savita didn't even answer. Wait I'll bring the key! Ganpath Kaka said folding his hand back...
He went to his home and brought the spare keys he has of my house with a tiffin he said inside this has ladoos and take this key.
I took the keys first and open the door.
when I opened the door. The room was quite no answer from Savita, I went inside but couldn't find her in living room or kitchen I went inside our room and whenthe door was closed but not from inside but from outside. I opened it and saw Savita down and blood was coming out her dead body was lied down near the bed.
Her hairs were open and she wore her favourite saree which I gave her the yellow saree with white diamond shape spot and red from the side of the saree. The tiffin which I was holding fell and Ganpath Kaka came inside our room and I couldn't react my body was frozen. I fell and keeping my both palms on my brow. I started breathing fast and everything was quite and I felt dizzy. I couldn't hold the tears and I started cry.
I felt that Ganpath Kaka was went to call you and then I fainted and closed my eyes...
That is the side of my story. Monhar started crying while remembering his wife. I looked at him and then looked at Prabhay who was standing and I looked at him to our eyes met and then I said.
Take him. I couldn't feel a doubt he would kill because he said the story was correct from his side because Ganpath Kaka said the story from his side and he also mentioned he saw Monhar standing with his suit case and he kept that suit case beside the door and took that tiffin from him but still anyone could the killer from Ganpath to Abhila but Savita was not innocent to and I will soon find who is the killer.... And whoever it could be behind the murder of Savita Bai.
To be continued....
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