

Maybe later Babe
Her Face was a bit indistinct, but It felt as if I knew her already. Sitting in front of her, I could not make out who she was, although it felt like someone very close to me.
She had that air of uncertainty perfectly blended with Romance just like sugar dissolved in a glass of lemonade.
"Who are you?" I asked her in a confused tone.
She giggled and replied, "I don't see the zeal inside you Rahul to find out who I am".
My sanity was racing in all directions to figure out who she was, but something was making me nervous. Maybe it was her chuckle, maybe it was the silence we sat in or maybe it was the cold gusts that were blasting on my face.
It felt like an eternity while sitting in front of her but still with no clued as to who she was.
"Still no answer"? she asked and walked up to me.
I sat they transfixed as she came close to me and the aroma of Rosemary surrounded me.

Suddenly, I heard an alarm sound and she grinned.
" Maybe next time babe she said and I was startled as I woke up to my phone alarm, sounding near my ears.
I sat there, all drenched in sweat and nothing but a distinct hum from the ceiling fan which was pretty much the only sound and me the only person in the room.

Thinking of it as a dram I kept my away and was about to sleep when I felt a small piece of paper near my head. It appeared as if something was written on it.
Turning on the flashlight on my phone I opened it up to see what it was.
On it, in beautiful writing was written -

" Maybe later Babe"

© inked_heights

#love #mystery #thriller #horror #terror #whodidthis #unknownpeople #nighttalks #note