

Invasion by beetles
lived in vast forests and crowds of animals; They all had a good relationship with each other and spent their lives in peace and prosperity. Among them were only beetles that had no importance and value and were seen with contempt and no one paid attention to them. Among the beetles, there was a black beetle who always wished to be friends with at least one of the animals; day and night he thought of finding a way to make friends with them, but he never succeeded. The forest animals were so proud that they passed the black beetle carelessly, and their cold behavior disappointed the black beetle. In all the festivities that took place, all the animals participated, ate, drank and had fun, and only the beetles looked at them with longing and regretted why the beetles were created. One day, a black beetle came to a pond of water, saw its image in the water and said to itself: God! What sin did we commit that you created so ugly?
See, no animal is willing to befriend us, because we are nothing but to scare them.
We have no perfection; I can no longer live with this situation. At that moment the earth shook, the bushes shook and giant creatures appeared among them. The black beetle hid under a rock until he saw them in terror and said to himself in fear: Oh my God! Humans attacked; I have to tell this news to everyone so that they can save their lives and escape before falling into the trap. The armed hunters sat by the pond and ate and drank; the black beetle slowly came out from under the rock and moved away from the pond. He wanted to go to the smart and strong bear in the forest and ask him for help, but he realized that he was trapped and could not save himself or escape.
The black beetle hastened to come to the golden leopard, but the golden leopard and his family were also trapped and his little children were asking for help.
The black beetle saw an animal in the trap wherever it went and it affected and upset him so much that it even saw the king of the forest in the trap and lost his hope and said sadly to the lion: I am sorry, the king of the forest; I could not Let me tell you about the arrival of the hunters in time; now I understand why no one likes us because we are small and useless creatures!
The lion laughed and said:I good that you finally confessed that you have a scary face; despite being strong, I was always afraid of you; look, even hunters are afraid of you and have nothing to do with you; today I realized that the strongest creatures in the forest are beetles.. The black beetle said in surprise;How can we be strong?
Lion: Humans have a great fear of beetles that if they see one of them on their body, they will destroy the world with shouts; they hunted the biggest and most dangerous animals, but their force did not reach you, and this is the reason why you are strong! The hunters brought large iron shelves to the forest to drop the animals into and take with them. All the animals were screaming, asking for help and facing a cruel reaction from the hunters, and this scene was unbearable. The beetles were hiding in a corner and they saw the scenes where one of the black beetles remembered the lion and said to the other beetles: We are strong and scary creatures that humans are afraid of us; we should not let our friends take us with them To win; we must all attack humans! The other beetles stared at him in amazement, but none of them said a word. The black beetle stepped forward and attacked the first female hunter carrying the rabbit owl, and struck her like lightning around her neck. The hunter screamed until he saw the beetle; the rabbit owl fell from his hand and the rabbits fled. The other beetles triumphed until they saw the work of the black beetle. ; The screams of the women fled in all directions and disappeared. The released rabbits went after the other animals and released them all one by one; however, all the animals were upset because the beetles had not yet returned and it was possible that they had lost their lives because of them. .
A few minutes passed; the sad animals walked away when they heard the sound of a black beetle. The animals looked behind them and saw the beetles running towards them with joy. The black beetle, while riding on the backs of other beetles and dancing, said:We destroyed the enemy scary creatures.The animals celebrated their freedom and the heroism of the beetles, and from that day on no animal looked down on the heroic beetles and respected them all because they understood that God did not create any creature foolishly and in vain. Humiliate; It will definitely work one day.

A story by: Niloufar Hosseini