

LET THE........
Let the artist of patience and goodness inside you be able to colour the lives of others too with the bright colours of hope and love. Let the inventor inside you give wings to other people and their dreams. Let the teacher inside, teach value of lives to others, let the doctor inside you be able to heal the wounds of people with the balm of hope, confidence, comfort and love. Let the child inside you make them happy, let your innocence bring a smile on to their gloomy faces, revive the fading colours to make them bright and most importantly, let the disciple inside you be ready to follow the paths, the example set by your creator God Almighty, let the listener inside you open to pleas of others and to the voice of the one above in heaven
Let the student inside you be ready to LEARN, EXPLORE, ADOPT GOOD THINGS AND ACCEPT FAILURES to become a better... No the best version of you, and to be a perfect human.

#letsdothis. #letsmakethisworld a better place#changestartsfrom you❗