

An Unusual Family at Home.
You grew up in a home with unknown elements, you can't explain but there are numerous signs that your family is not alone in that house. Food would go missing and your stuff seems to move. Is there something wrong with your head or is there something deeper to this?
What was the mystery behind all those stealthy tasks ? Many things reiterated in rhe mind about what could really be.Wad it a ghost ?
No,it can't be a ghost ,a ghost cannot or is not interested in eating. How does food get missing from the house.
One day I kept watch over the back side of the house to see the real cause for the robbery.Was it a 'Pip' case as in Great Expectation ?
I hope not to be so.I watched like a watch dog in action to catch the thief. It was 8.30a.m.The watch continued till noon still there was no sign of a thief or any thing suspicious that could be called a near thing to my satisfaction ,although I expected a strange thing or being , there seemed none of that sort to clear the doubts that hang like bright apples in the couryard . To make an open revelation ,one needed to be equiped with necessary armory for safeguard , or else the whole thing would just be nothing or fall on himself.
Since the breakfast was over I thought that I needed to break the moring hour since it went off with no clue.So I peeped into the kitchen from a back door unnoticed by any onlooker staying in backside.
I asked sister who was reading a book on the table.What's news?
Don't you know?Somebody has snatched away the things on the table
Noobe came from backside
Yes,noone came from there.but any one can come from the door you entered..
I'm not the thief.How do I know?
Then it can't be a thief.
May be or may be not
Oh I 've lost my valuable blouse which I bought yesterday.Said mother with a painful heart.
We must find the culprit, I joined sister to uttet the words vehemently.
The following day we planned differently to catch the whoever it could be. We stood by the door.I was at the side door while sister kept watch at the back door.Whoever came to the kitchen couldn't however escape our eye sight knowingly or unknowingly.We stayed ourselves covered behind some racks avoiding any eye contact.Several minutes passed, we heard a sound.It was a little cry.It came from the store room on our left .A liitle creature came .I still couldn't see the fellow.The sound then was an adult cry ad if coming from a big dog.I tried to see through the spaces created beween things packed on the rack.When I tried to move a tin ,something fell on the floor giving a bang sound.Then I could see the dog who watched me eagerly with a little puppy beside it and it also looked terrified at all these.Siser came out then taking the little puppy in her hand .Poor thing!
Are you hungry?
It moved its head as if to say yes.
I was pitief by the sight and joined them.
Oh what robbers are you?
mother and son?
They felt that we looked friendly and good .So it took us towards a box on rhe storeroom.There were two more puppies about six months old.
We told others about the mystery.They all welcomed that happy family union.We became one family from then onwards and gave them a kennel outside the house for their freedom.They looked happy too.What a fine pack of thieves who stealthily crept into our house and started to make a living quite unintelligible to us.We saw mother's best blouse covering the little ones in one bunch for warmth.

© N. Gamage