

An Abandoned Castle
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...
How could anyone living in the modern world today get obsessed with these unknown forces to have caused harm or brought misery to him ?
Can anyone believe in ghosts, if that's to be true ?
These were the questions that troubled him. He was thinking whether he should visit the place to know what it was really about.
Shamel, what are you doing ?
Nothing special, he said.
Salini has come to her uncle's place for the vacation. She has her pen friend with her. I don't know her name.
ok, we will see.I wanted to tell you somthing different.
What is it ?
Do You know the abandoned mansion which was situated some miles inland off the main road ?
You mean that ghost castle ?
Yes, that one.
Shall we go there ?
Are You serious ?
why not, I'm very serious about what I say.
Quite interesting
They decided to go there on the following day. The two were at the gate. They just looked in through the gate which was immensely high. One looked at the other.
Why are they late ?
Ah here, they are coming.
Hello Shalini !
Hello you two !
This is my penpal, Michelle.She is from Paris ?
Right this is the place I told you about Shall we go inside ?
Does she speak English ?
MM.. well somewhat
That's another problem
Don"t worry ,
Will there be ghosts ? Shalini asked
We are the good live ghosts, aren't we ?
They went inside ,the huge structure was as still as it was always when anyone crept inside. They walked through the twenty feet road upto the entrance where they found to be dirty, dusty and very old.
This may have dated back to the period when English ruled here. Said Amith
You are right
Be silent.
'Wipe the glass and peep in' said Shalini
He did So.
So they are the owners, not us ,why should we take someone else's property.
You know Amith we just go in and be back soon
Don't say so
They entered the warandah of the palace, the front warandah
It must have looked elegant during that period
Yes ,yes Now it 's gone rusting
Regardez ! Le mirroir
What ? Tell her not to frighten us,'demanded Shenal
Ththat that mirror, there 's something.
Look at that there are some images in it
They have same clothes like ours
You idiot, Can 't you see they are us
Yes yes what to do now ?
Don't look so happy you 'll have to face the conscquences
They are not that good to make us happy We must creep away silently to other side .
The images in the mirror grew larger and larger like shadows over the wall so huge.
C'est moi qui bouge sur le mur. C'est mon ombre. Shali j'ai peur .Il tombe sur mon visage, J'ai peur. Comment ça se passe
Shalini, what does she mutter ?
You have to tell me.
Her shadow has fallen on her face
How is that ?
Look over there, something is moving, yes that table and now the light above me
Let's stay together, hide in this corner
Watch !
À la fenêtre
Look, the window, over to the right
Let's move on in
Entrez la chambre !
In the room, there were pictures many different faces. Suddenly they turned to look at them and then one by one they started to laugh until it became hysterical .
They quickly Got out Of it and started to run.
Amith ,can't we ever come out of this ?
Regardez, ces visages nous suivent.
What does she say for heaven 's sake.?
Nothing like that ?
Where is Michelle ?
Michelle ,où est tu ?
Je suis ici derrier de toi .
No, I can't see you
I think we lost her.
There 's a gate to the left,
No there is no gate from there.
Hold each other, never lose your touch
what to do about Michelle ?
We have to find her.
I think there is one among the ghosts Who is a french
Keep moving, never stop walking
Look that chandelier is falling on us.
Jump quickly
Then they kept running while throwing things that they got hold of .They saw Michelle at the end of the gate.
Are you sure that 's her
NO that 's not her,
Ne vous dites pas comme ça.. C 'est votre amie. Prenez -moi !
No, no don't go there You 'll never be back, she is not your friend.
Then what happened to her.
I don't know, we 'll look for her later
When they saw the end of that corridor, they could see another one, rather short to the left.
Did you count ?
What ?
How many corridors did we pass
twenty one
Almost after an hour of running and walking, they could at least find a safe place free of ghosts and their feary sounds
They were already tired and exhausted and could scarc walk forward. Suddenly
Amith pointed to a door like thing. After a careful study and a watch around they tried hard to open it.
Yes, it 's opening,
Oh, good god
It 's opening for all heavens I Wonder
For what hell is that ?
They carefully struggled to come out. When all three came out, Shalini shouted..
Look around,, this is my uncle's house and this is his old room which is not using now.
Your friend
No penfriend
How did You meet her.?
She just came here, actually I Don"t know
She has come from there.
At the same instance, she got a call
Bonsoir Shalini, c'est ton amie qui parle de Paris .
All looked aghast.