

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret. Chapter One: A Day To Ourselves.
I am Alphonis Kafel, a seventeen year old girl with a light tan on my white skin, dark blond hair and I have dark green eyes with a yellowish brown color around my eye pupils. I look normal but i'm not, i'm not even human. I now live in Longview Washington, in a large forest covered hill that's surrounded by three more with my grandma. It's peacful out here and no one can see my secret, which is an alien side thats named Alphonis. That means my name wasn't always Alphonis, but I changed my first name into hers when I left my parents. My grandma doesn't even know about what I am. My anger is what mainly draws out my other side, which is why I do my best to stay calm in bad situations. At seven was when I first found out about my other side and I have kept it a secret from everyone ever since. I was never quite normal before then but my appearence never changed until that age and when my anger was at its worst. It used to be very hard to change at will because my other side is technically its own being, but it's much easier now for me to control our body as long as its not angry. My other side is incredibly intilligent and it started to speak english instead of a forieghn language when I was nine. I don't know why or how I was born with an alien side and I have asked my other side a few times, but it won't anwser. It's almost night right now, which means some me time... or me and my other side's time. I'm dressed in my blue hawaiian with brown flower designed pajamas as I wait until my grandma falls deep asleep before I get out of bed and sneak quietly out of the front door. I began to walk up the hill until the house was no longer in sight. It's a full moon tonight which is the best time for me to be out and reveal my secret to myself. It's chilly out because it's already late Semptember but it won't bother me once I change. The clouds are also about to cover the sky and that's a good sign so I don't get spotted. I went into a spot where the remaining moon light filtered from the large western white pine tree forest then started to take off my pajamas and got ready to transform into my not so human side. The transformation is not as painful as it used to be but it still hurts alot. "Okay, time to wake up." I said as I then suddenly began to groan because my spine began to change and my bones began to grow and adjust. I stumbled then fell on my side as two massive black dragon-like wings began to tear and grow out of my shoulder blades. I slowly stumbled back onto my changing feet to give my wings room. My breathing started to become labored, my eyes began to roll and burn red, and my body began to convulse. This part takes great effort to not pass out and stop the transformation. My head throbbed and I held onto a large low tree branch so I could not fall down and it didn't help when my ankles then begin to make my legs get longer and made them look like the creature off the movie Splice. My arms also started to get longer so I stumbled back into the clearing. My skin started to turn into my other side's long black and sharp scales. My loud groans turned into growls as my mouth began to change into my other side's long dragon-like alien snout. My teeth grew into its two sets of long golden teeth and my ears became its four long ears. My dark blond hair grew out into its long black mane and its four long golden horns grew out of our upper and lower head. A very long tail with a sharp alien sword on its end grew out of my lower back. I grabbed the lower branch with my long talon-like white clawed hands again and pulled myself up quickly then swung my changing body to the tree's trunk so I then jumped off of it to help myself fly. My other side gets quite massive so I got to be above the clouds before my body fully changes. I quickly pulled up then sped past the tree tops and made my way to the clouds. It's hard to concentrate on staying in the air because of the pain but i've done alot of practice to stay focused. My body lengthened into my other side's and then extra limbs such as a pair of middle arms, two more wings, two more long tails with alien swords on their ends, two more red glowing eyes, five guills on each side of our long neck, and a large amulet with an alien clock inside it grew on our forehead while the rest formed on our body. Our size grew up to larger than the huge forest covered hill below us. I flew into the clouds then above. The full moon's light reflected against our black scales and made them have a irredscent shine. The wind blew through our long black mane and I went towards Mt. Saint Helen's. I wanted a slow trip there because my large wings allow me to go around six hundred miles per hour at just normal speed. At the slowest I was probably still going over two hundred miles per hour. I was there in just seven minutes by almost only gliding. I glided around the historic volcano in peace until my other side began to argue with its amulet in their forieghn language. Yes, our amulet speaks too but it rarely speaks english. They were only arguing in thought but I still couldn't help myself. "What are you two arguing about?" I thought to myself/them. They chose to ignore me and continue their argument. I had been looking down and when I looked back up, a plane was coming our way.

© Alphonis Kafel