

The Contract Marriage

it was 8 in the morning and Jane just had three hours of sleep before the alarm went off, she had to get ready for work
Recently a friend of hers recommend her to work in a fancy restaurant somewhere in town the pay was good and there was less work because it was an expensive restaurant and only few people could afford it today she was going to the interview after her work and if she gets the job it could really help her because it was just some weeks to Liza's exam and she hasn't saved up enough for the exam fee

Jane quickly got dressed and headed to work
She went straight to the restaurant after she finished work
she still couldn't believe that a building could be so beautiful and have such classic and unique interior she couldn't help but stare
she walked carefully aware that if she should break anything she would have to work all her life to pay for it
She walked carefully to where she was to get interviewed

Liza had just returned from school and went to the address her boyfriend gave her
She had told him she wanted to visit but he always gave excuses but he finally gave her the address but she never had the time to go again but she had to find him now
she rang the doorbell and a lady who should be in her late 40's open the door
Hi, how can I help you said the woman who appeared to be the house help ,she had a maid's uniform on
Hi am looking for John said Liza
am sorry miss but there is no John in this house
Am looking for your boss and I know he is in tell him that Liza is here to see him
miss am really sorry but there is no John here

I Know he is in there this is his address so you better tell him to come out

What is going on here said a young lady who must have heard the argument outside

this young lady came here saying she is looking for John, I told her that no John lives here but she keeps on insisting

Am sure he lives here this was the address he gave me replied Liza who didn't want to accept the fact that she had been duped and given a wrong address, because she doesn't know how to pay the debt

young lady sorry to inform you but there is no john here and if you continue this,
I will have to call the police said the woman who seemed like the owner of the house
And check your address well before going to people's houses looking for your john the lady said before slamming the door at Liza's face

Liza felt devastated and helpless where was she going to find him
they have been dating for months now and last month he came to her saying his mother needed surgery and that his investment was yet to pay and the doctors said his mom would not make it if she doesn't get the surgery quick
She never meet his mother but he talked about his mother all the time and how sick she was and that he had to raise money for her treatment

But she had no money and he knew it he knew her situation and everything about her then he suggested that the borrowed money he told her he knew a loan shark but he had already borrowed money previous for his mother's treatment and medicine and wouldn't be able to borrow again
he said she was his only hope and that he didn't want his mother to die and he promised to pay once his investment pays off
I must have been a fool to have believed his fake tears Liza thought
She had gone everywhere his work place and house but there was no trace of him was she that stupid to get duped that easily

She had borrowed one million which he said he would pay back within the one month that she was given to repay the money


Jane was so happy, she got the job just after she was asked few questions she was to start in the evening she chose the evening shift
Now all she had to do was to quit in her previous evening jobs,
she couldn't wait to share this good news with Liza with this new job she could easily pay for Liza's exams she was so happy

Beep Beep
her phone rang
Hi Jane tell me you got the job
I did said Jane
am so happy for you the manager is my friend so I told him you would be coming said Ella, Jane's bestfriend
she was Jane's only friend she didn't have time to make friends but met Ella at a restaurant where the both worked and they have been friends ever since but Ella was getting married and didn't need to work so hard to support her family again
She had advised Jane to find a man who will love and take care of her but Jane always changed the topic

when will you be starting asked Ella, Tonight but I still have to quit some jobs for this to fit in my schedule
ok am happy you got the job I believe you can keep it cause you work very hard, yes I will thanks again Ella bye

she has to go home and tell Liza the good news

At Aaron's office

He was in a meeting but wasn't paying attention to it he was thinking of what to do he barely slept last night thinking of this

What do you think of this proposal? asked one of the staffs in the meeting
they all noticed that their boss was lost in his thoughts but didn't know what to do nobody wanted to get on his bad side
They all knew that he easily changed employee and it was a great privilege to work with him and his firm was the best in the country and no one would want to lose such a job

Mr Addison said a bold staff

Get out, the meeting is over said Aaron
and within a minute the the conference room was empty

Dude don't tell me you just fired all those staffs the look on their faces are terrible said Todd who just entered the room
Do you want to get fired too asked Aaron
of course not replied Todd

I came to tell you that I made reservations at our favorite restaurant so that we can have dinner together it's been long since we hung out together

ok said Aaron

Jane just got home ,Liza guess what I got the job she shouted as she entered the house congrats said Liza
You look pale have you been crying?
are you sick ? asked Jane
am not, am okay replied Liza well you look sick, common sis you can talk to me what happened?
Nothing happened Jane am fine,
ok if you say so but don't forget am here for you and you can tell me any thing okay?
i will be leaving for work soon
your food is on table , I will be heading to the library now said Liza as she
left the house

Jane arrived at the restaurant changed to her uniform and went to serve the customers she got the job of a waitress
Everything was going well the customers were not much

She headed towards table 5 which ran her, I ordered strawberry yoghurt but you gave me plain how stupid are you not to tell the difference between strawberry and plain yoghurt

Jane was annoyed so far this was the only rude customer and she was sure this lady only said yoghurt without specifing which flavor she wanted
Am sorry I will change it for you

Jane pick the glass of yoghurt and turned to leave but
She bombed into someone who was just entering the restaurant because she hadn't seen him in the restaurant earlier

but she spilled milk on him
Am sorry Jane said as she tried to clean his suit with her hankie but he looked rich, and arrogant

The manager having noticed what happened rushed over to apologise
No one wanted to get on his bad side because everyone knew he was very powerful man he was Aaron Addison one of the youngest billionaire he had the power to shut down the restaurant if he wants to.
How could this waitress be so clumsy he thought as he apologized
Am sorry sir
I apologise on her behave
she doesn't know how things work around here, she is new here
fire her Aaron said without even blinking
Am so sorry I wasn't looking Jane cried but this man obviously had no emotion and he obviously had no heart because of the way he looked at her
that was all he said then he turned to leave
The two men that Aaron came with were Todd and Ben his bestfriends they have been friends since highschool
and they work in Aaron's company they knew that the situation wasn't going to end well but they never expected Aaron to actually fire her just because she spilled milk on him
but still he was Aaron and could do what he wants not even them could change his mind,
they turned to leave too

How could you do that don't you know who he is
Am so sorry sir it's my fault
Please talk to him you can't just fire me this job means a lot to me please

There is nothing I can do about it said the manager we need wealthy customers like him to be able to run this Restaurant am sorry but u have to leave

Jane felt depressed she ran toward the door where the men just left from
she was able to reach them in the car park before they entered their car

Please sir it's my fault I was clumsy I deserve to be punished but please don't fire me this job means a lot to me Jane said with tears in her eyes

Aaron who was just about to enter his car looked back at her
your right you are wrong and deserve to be punished

You are fired that is your punishment

I spilled milk on you but that doesn't mean you should fire me you don't own the restaurant so you have no right to fire me the fact that you are rich doesn't mean that you can fire me or look down on other people we are humans too just like you and we struggle to survive the fact that you are rich and successful doesn't make you God and doesn't give you any right to treat people like animals
You know what you are just an arrogant jerk she said then turned and left
Todd and Ben were so shocked she is the only one who has ever gathered courage to talk back at him
Aaron just turned entered his car and drove off

Jane was shocked too where did all that just come from, she ran after him to apologise but she ended up insulting him what was she thinking she really needed the job what was she going to do now

Am sorry Jane but I can't do anything about this the manager apologized she was Ella's friend he did give her a job but she wasn't careful, he thought as he handed her an envelope this is for today you are really hardworking he said
Thank you Jane said as she collected the envelope she turned and left

She couldn't help but cry when she got home she cried and cried then slept off how was she going to tell Liza tomorrow and the exams are coming up and she still haven't saved enough

Aaron just got home, he couldn't help but think about the girl who spoke back to him at the restaurant how dare her he thought but was he really an arrogant jerk who only knew how to fire people
She was quiet bold to talk to him, who did she think she was, nobody could talk to him like that not even his mother he thought

Mr moon,
Yes master answered the butler

Get me all information about the girl I fired today at the restaurant don't leave any detail he said then went up to his study
Mr moon stood shocked why was he so interested in a girl he fired at a restaurant, and why was he suddenly in need of her information what could have happened at the restaurant.

One thing was sure Aaron was interested in this woman.

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