

The Young Candidate (Final)

Many days and consecutive months have passed on.
Jagadish had done his best, Few peoples of the opposite candidate doesn't like Jagadish as a candidate, because he does good to peoples.
Opposition does many meetings with people by segregating peoples by Money to fill chairs.
Jagadish haven't done any meetings, he done few conferences with us, in open air people who crosses over streets came to see us, like there's an accident occurs.
Few peoples listen to Jagadish speech keenly, mainly youngsters.
It was nice, we did a quite amount of cleaning, organising streets and it was amazing.

When Jagadish get into the Election committee for his official registration a lot of tramas happened, our gang knew that,
Opposition attacks and threats.
The Election committee wasn't giving us the symbol we like, we want, instead they give us a symbol of their wish.
Having a symbol of Clock, Jagadish was actually pleased.

"Time is Man's Best Judge " he would say always.

When our trolls for election was over, I thought to visit Jagadish a little prior on the Polling day.
We haven't done much on showcasing level.
we did rally, walks, barefoot walks that's it.

There's no much spending money on election by him, even we asked he refused.


I knocked the door of Jaga's home.

I saw him, welcoming with a smile.
while seeing me, his dad came along with him and gave me a chair to sit.

I sat with Jagadish and his Dad.
there's something about his Dad, very good person, a respected head of society and more goodness is in Character that makes every people to greet him.

I sat, while his mom gave us tea.

"Do you think you win?" His Dad asked.
"Not sure, but if I win or lose, it's not going to influence me in negative way" he said.
"Politics isn't a joke"
"I haven't joked dad, just normalising reality, just because as you said, you did a lot of good to people, they are not going to stick with us, I mean a lot of people, it might take some years to change, I do not ask vote by your position, I aware people by my words " he said.

there's something in my mind, which I'm trying to understand.

"So you don't crawled down like a worm if heat is on your head?"
"Dad, I'm your Son, do you this silly things will demotile me?" Jagadish smiled.
"Not at all" his mom laughed along.

His Dad and Mom greeted us, as we went in a bike to the polling booth.

"It takes years for us to come Dhruva, do not get sad if we lose", he said to me.
"You being strong and standing against an odd is courageous, Idiot it's my dialogue " we laughed.

Our gang acknowledged us, we are welcomed and check by police, we're the main peoples after all.
some yelled Jagadish name, he smiled.
this was how it like to be a leader? my heart asked. so much pride and struggles.

As we polled our votes, Jagadish went to temple.

The results announced, our opposition won.

As my face was grey, Jagadish had a vibrant aura, some group of people surrounded us.
"Why you guys are Grey?" he asked while eating sweet Pongal.
"Aren't you sad?" Bharath asked
"Nope, attachments is the deed of all emotions, thought to do good if I got the position, if not I don't need a position to do good, in these so many months do we have a position to do good? but still we did, we did protest, we clean colonies, we got blessing, we got a team, we got new friends, we don't need a position to grow we need the will to stand against odds.

Bharath the Interesting fact is, I know the results and one more, we got the youngster's vote, it's not in the action, it's in the old mindset, my next Target is Election 2026" he smiled.

Literally everyone.

But Jagadish haven't stopped this, he formed a team, a team with leaders, he motivated youngsters, our colonies were organised, Jagadish haven't won the election, but he's the winner.
he haven't won, but slayed it all.

Jagadish had gave me a wisdom, we don't need a position to be good, we need the mindset to stand against odds, to stand against injustice, the will to form a team.

By Forever his Best Friend,


Dear Young India, Let us leave, let us Encourage people like Jagadish to step into our life, for a change we all acknowledge.

With Hopes,