

A hero forced to become a villain
The cry was faint but I heard it loud and clear, as I walked past the dark bushes.

My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source but I still did.

Cry's of a pained soul,
Cry's of a broken heart,
Oh how I wish, the pains could be taken away.

They said a villain was once a hero.

I walked pass the dark bushes, getting deeper and deeper.

As I walk further it got darker, but the cry's were still faint. But my curiosity still got the best of me, as I kept walking and finally the cry's became louder.

But I saw no one,
"Oh pained and broken soul, show me yourself, so I could help you to heal your pains." I said into the air.

And there comes a handsome beast, he looked broken and pained, betrayed by the ones he loved, and his ocean blue eyes grew darker by the passing seconds.

Little did I know that this broken soul has became the villain he never wanted to be, he was forced to become cold without emotions.

Because his emotions were murdered by the person he held close to his once fragile heart and now that fragile heart has become a heart of diamond which can neither be broken nor melted.

© kaya_N