

Hi guys first story here so your support will be appreciated.

The headlights of the car Infront of us blinded my eyes. The screeching sound of car tyres and the smell of burning rubber could be smelled from a mile away.

I had lived through painful experiences in my life but right then I knew my life had come to a stand still. The impact of my head hitting against the glass was so painful. The car rolled several times before everything stopped . Everything came to a standstill .All I could hear were people's muffled voices.

Just as someone pulled me out I woke up looking hysterically around me . That dream has been haunting me for the last thirteen years although I was six I remember each and every detail . The worst thing was I lost the only two people in this world who loved me sincerely.

My chest heaved up and down ,sweat trickled down my forehead.I checked for the time on my phone six thirty. That gave me enough time to prepare and work my morning shift at the café.

Being a nineteen year old orphan in the cursed town of forksville is not easy. For some reason people in this town found it much easier to pick on the only orphan. Nobody liked me everyone blamed me for my parents death." why was she the only one that survived the accident. She was the one who insisted they go out that night." Those were the Whispers that surrounded me everytime I walked in town.

I mostly ignored their insults I had gotten used to them , but the comments about my parents death they hit home.No matter how hard I tried to ignore them they were always painful. Everybody despised me I lost my friends ,my relatives refused to take me in after the accident .I was practically raised in an orphanage till I turned eighteen and left rented a small apartment with the little money my parents left me.

So now I have to work to pay my bills, school fees and other expenses. By the I was taking a shower and throwing on a pair of black ripped jeans a black tee and black vans,the time read seven.

I took my bag pack and my phone then headed out. The weather was friendly today. As soon as I hit the streets the stares and the murmurs began . By now I had learnt that the best way to deal with them was to ignore them because if you fought back it gave them the Satisfaction of seeing you broken and I sure as hell wasn't going to do that. Yes their comments hurt but they didn't need to know that.

I walked into Lily's, the small cafe where I worked . Lily was probably the only person that was nice to me in this damned town. She's always defending me from the people in the café. She kind of reminded me of my mother.

Lily's warm smile welcomed me " hi sweetie how have you been ?I hope none of this town's forks are bothering you too much."

"Don't worry Lilly it's not something I can't handle I'm a strong girl remember." I smiled brunching it off as nothing. She smiled although I could tell she wanted to say something but stopped.

I mostly worked in the kitchen to avoid interactions as much as I could .But it seemed today the man above had other plans. As soon as I settled getting ready to start working Anna my co-worker and also my best friend and only friend walks in. The look she had on now was a look I knew so well.

" What do you want Anna ?" "It's just that I have to rush home my mom says that Brian is sick ." Brian is her little brother ,such a sweet kid , but I couldn't say the same about their mom. Mrs Smith had always hated me although she played nice because my and her daughter's friendship.

" It's okay Anna I'll cover for you but you owe me big time for this one. "
" I know you're the best I'll treat you to dinner on me." Who could say no to free food. The only downside to this was having to deal with everyone in there.

I put on my apron and walked out notepad in hand. As soon as I walked out I heard my name being called I definitely knew that voice I braced myself and turned around walking over to the table. " What can I get you Brittany? " "Did the orphan get tired of doing the dishes. Because trust me it suits you best." Did I forget to mention that Brittany is my archenemies since let me see when we could walk.

I took deep breaths and counted in my head to ten to prevent myself from strangling her. "Is there anything you would like Brittany?"I asked once more like I said ignoring the comments is much better." A mocha and some pancakes and make you don't get any of your killer germs in my food .

I walked away and left them laughing. Breathe Violet no need to let their words affect you. I wasn't looking at where I was going and ended up bumping into a hard body. Looking up I was ready to start apologising until I saw who I had bumped into.

Daren Black also known as the town's richest guy and the hottest. But to me he was the guy that hated me the most in this town. See the thing is on the night of the accident Daren's parents were in the other car and he ended up losing his mother .

The boy had dedicated his life to making mine a living hell . " Sorry Daren ." The look he gave was one I had have to deal with for the past thirteen years since the accident happened.

People treated him like he was the only one who lost someone.I lost someone too both my parents." Watch where you're going next time Michaels. Can't you do anything right." He walked away bumping shoulders with me causing me to stumble to the ground.

I could here people in the café laughing at the cost of my embarrassment. I controlled the tears that were threatening to fall.

My one hour shift ended and I took my bag getting ready to trek to school. It wasn't that far ,a ten minute walk.I got to forksville high. This place is just hell for me I couldn't wait to finish senior year and get out of this cursed town.

I quickly rushed to my locker and took out my history books. I keep my head down as I walk down the hallways but nobody fails to notice the lonely orphan .My back was slammed against the lockers hard. I didn't have to look to know that it was Daren and his group of dogs from the school's football team.

"Did you really think I'd let what happened at Lily's slide." Of course you wouldn't .I wanted to say but I knew better than to speak. He was pullin g my hair so hard I swear I could feel the roots pulling at my skin .I wanted to scream for him to stop but I didn't . Everyone else just watched no one dared to stop him because according to them I deserved this. And I couldn't help but agree with them.

Daren shoved me to the floor with so much force I think I broke a rib. A treacherous tear trickled down my face but I quickly wiped it away. Satisfied with hurting me for now he leaned down close to means whispered into my ear words that I dreaded." I'm gonna make your senior year miserable. Welcome back to hell Michaels."

" Trust me Black I'll be waiting" I responded getting up and walking away. I suffered through history my left side where I landed on hurt so much. As soon as Mr Dubrow was done with the class I was the first to walk out and headed for the bathroom .Lifting my tee up ,I checked in the mirror .A purple bruise was already forming on the area.

The bruise he gave me yesterday hadn't even healed yet. My body was full of bruises both from me and majority from him. Sometimes I felt like giving up but I couldn't .I just have to get through senior year and I'll be out of this town for good

Anna wasn't at school today so I ended up sitting alone . I suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore so I ended at the only place where I could be alone without anyone bugging me. The library.

As soon as I was alone all the tears I had been holding back streamed down my face I didn't bother to wipe them I had to release some of this pain or it would kill me." Mom , dad why did you have to leave me? Sometimes I wish I was the one who died instead of you two. I know I have to be strong but the people here are breaking me."

By now the tears were unstoppable . I couldn't control them and frankly I didn't want to. Suddenly I heard footsteps I got up and walked over to where I heard the footsteps.

At the end of the aisle was Daren .I wonder if he heard any of that, those were my deepest fears and I also didn't want to give people more reason to break me. I quickly walked out I was not in the mood to get picked on by him.

I walked into the Library to pick a copy of Pride and prejudice for my English class. The library was basically empty except for miss Wells the Librarian.

I was about to stretch and pick the book from the top shelf when I heard someone crying . Normally I wouldn't give a damn who it was but this one in particular interested me." Mom,dad why did you have to leave me? Sometimes I wish I was the one who died instead of you two. I know I have to be strong but the people here are breaking me."

It didn't take a genius to figure out who's voice that voice that was. Violet Michaels.The person I detested most in this town for what happened to my mother. I had always blamed her for my mother's death along with everyone else in this town .

I should be happy to hear her suffering like this ,hear her sound so broken but for some reason I felt sorry for her." snap out of it Daren this is what you've always wanted." my subconscious screamed at me.

Suddenly the crying stopped I could hear coming my way so I busied myself with the books . I took a chance and glanced at her. The look in her eyes was one I had never seen . One thing about Violet was that she was not easy to break no matter how many times I insulted or hurt her she was still strong.

But the person I just saw looked broken but knowing her she would bounce right back. Violet walked out of the Library .She had seemed apprehensive maybe wondering if I heard everything she had said.

"Not even your tears will save from me Michaels." I quickly walked out after her .She hadn't gotten too far. I stood at the entrance immediately catching everyone's attention." Listen up everyone you wouldn't guess who I found in the Library crying out for her dead mommy and daddy. Our very own Violet Michaels.Seems like she's already giving up on us."

I looked at her as I spoke the next words ,I could see unshed tears in her eyes but I didn't stop. " I'm sure even your mother and father are better of without you wherever they are. But just for everybody else's piece of mind maybe you should join them."

I could already see tears trickling down her eyes. I thought I'd feel better after hurting her like this but I felt worse. She didn't give everybody else a chance to laugh ,she dashed down the hallways.

Everyone else was laughing but the look my friends were giving me told me that they didn't agree with what I just did."I think you went too far dude, mentioning her parents like that." was Brian's comment.

" Oh come on we do this to her everyday ." I said walking to my next class.


Two weeks and I couldn't get the words he said to me out of my head . I hadn't been out of the house since then. Anna heard what happened and has been there for me , covering for me at school and writing my notes ,she knew how important it is for me to graduate .

Deciding I'd had enough being cooped up in my house I got up and got ready for school.

School was more or less the same.The Whispers ,gossip. The only good thing was that Daren actually left me alone today but I knew better than to get my hopes high of him ever leaving me alone.

"I heard what Daren said to you that made you stay home the past two weeks .That guy seriously went too far this time ,next time I see him I'm gonna give him an earful for what he did to you." I loved my best friend for trying to step up for me but the last thing I needed was her getting in a fight because of me.

" I appreciate your concern for me Bri but doing that will only worsen the situation so no confronting Black okay." She agreed but reluctantly.

I was now in English class listening to Mr Spencer explain something in pride and prejudice. The seat next to me was pulled back and someone sat next to me." Hi my name's Myrna. I hope you don't mind me sitting here."

I just couldn't resist asking her," Are you from this town? Because sweetie if you were you wouldn't want to be associated with me."

" I know you're referring to what people in this town say about you but I don't believe them. I know you're a good person Violet." I couldn't help feel a glimmer of hope that maybe not everyone in this town hated me .Myrna seemed like a nice girl ." Thank you so much you don't know how much those words mean to me."

" I want to be your friend if you'd let me." ," I would love that so much.


Myrna walked around the corner towards the school library to meet her. " So did it work ? " The girl asked behind the shelf. " Yes she fell for it we can proceed to the next face of the plan." " Nice job Myrna you know what to do. By the time I'm done with Violet Michaels she will have no choice but to leave town."

Myrna walked away getting ready to set the plan in motion.

Myrna and I got to know each other well and frankly I think she's really nice. I walked to my locker getting ready to go home. " Vi wait up" It was Brianna calling me. " what's up Bri?" " I've got to talk to you about Myrna . I think she is planning something against you."

" Brianna why would even say that? That girl has been nothing but nice to me."

" I know but I overheard her talking with someone in the library ,they are planning something to make you leave town." I couldn't even believe Brianna was saying this ." You of all people know how much I've suffered in this town and when I finally find someone other than who wants to be my friend you make up lies about her."

Her face expressed hurt but right now I didn't care." All I've ever done is look out for you as my best friend . I stood up for you against my mom and everybody else in this town but if that's what you think I'm doing fine I'll let you be but if she ends up hurting you just remember I'm always here for you."

Watching my best friend walk away hurt me but if she couldn't support me in getting new friends we shouldn't even talk.

I walked away with a heavy heart.


I walked into Myrna's house but honestly this was no house this was a mansion. She had invited me to a party she and her friends were throwing at her house. " You made it Violet come in." " Thanks Myrna your house is very lovely."

" Thanks. Come in my friends haven't arrived yet but you can help me set up for the party." I agreed. We were putting up some drinks and food for the party on the counter when the lights went out."

" Not again . Violet I have to go check the fuse box this happens sometimes. You alright to stay here ? " I was a bit apprehensive but I agreed . " Sure go ahead."

A few minutes passed but Myrna didn't come back " How long does it take someone to check the fuse box?." I asked myself.

" Hello Violet? " someone said behind me but due to the darkness I couldn't see who it was. Someone else smothered my mouth and nose and before I knew it I blacked out.


My eyes squinted as I tried to adjust to the light in the room . I tried to move but my body was bounded by ropes to a chair." Myrna ,Myrna this isn't funny please help."

" Oh but it is funny Violet you're putting on quite a show ." Of course it had to be Brittany Simons. Why am I not surprised." What did you do to Myrna you snake?"

" You mean this Myrna ," Myrna and a few other people I recognised from Daren and Brittany's group. " Are you a part of this charade Myrna . " I hated how pathetic I sounded right now but I couldn't contain I actually thought she was my friend.I can't believe how stupid I've been . Brianna warned and like the fool I am , I didn't listen to her.

" Vans , bring in the buckets. " Vans was one of Daren's friends . A minute later, he came back in carrying a large bucket full of who knows what. " Do it? " Before I could even ask what she meant the contents of the bucket were emptied on me. It smelled like blood . " What did you pour on me?" " Animal blood Violet it suits you well. Really captures your ugly side."

Brittany took pictures of me .Only God knows what she would do with the pictures. " Vans I know you've been waiting for this .Rough her up a little."

I could beg but what use would it be he'd do it anyway .Maybe he would even enjoy seeing me beg.

By the time he was done I had a broken rib , a busted lip and I think a concussion. They then untied me .I mastered all the strength I could get to walk as far away from this place as possible.

If their plan was to drive me away from this town then they succeeded. But before I leave there's just one more thing I had to do.

A few minutes later I was standing Infront of Darren Black's house .With all the strength I could master I rang the doorbell before I could chicken out.He opened the door in a white shirt and black sweat pants." I need to talk to you." God it even hurt to talk. My face would be plastered on the door step if he didn't hold me up.


I was on my phone when someone rang the doorbell. Maria the nanny was off for the night so I got up to get it. I definitely wasn't prepared for what I saw. Violet Michaels was at my doorstep all bashed up. Her clothes were soaked in something not sure if it was blood. She was holding her sides and her face contorted in what I assumed was pain." I need to talk to you."

Her feet gave in on her and I had to hold her up. I pulled her in and sat her down on the couch." What the hell happened to you? " She looked at me as if she didn't believe what I was asking." No need to pretend you don't know. Your friends and your she- devil of a girlfriend did this to me but I'm not here to discuss that."

She adjusted her sitting position writhing in pain at the slight movement." Don't move around alot I'll get the first aid kit."

" No need for that. After all you've given me worse remember." Hearing actually say it made me feel disgusted. " I know you've always blamed for your mother's death. Trust me I blame myself for it everyday. Maybe if I didn't insist on going out that night they'd still be alive. But I can't change that and I'll with the guilt for as long as I live. You and your friends have successfully accomplished making me leave Forksville. " My heart almost stopped she can't leave not when I just realised my mistake. Not when I finally discovered my feelings for her.

" But before I leave I just wanted to say I'm sorry to you Darren." I quickly shook my head. " You don't have anything to apologise for Violet. I should be apologising for everything I've done to you. All the bruises I've given you both internal and external.I didn't even consider you also lost your parents. I had my dad where else you had no one. I didn't know how to deal with my mom's death so I thought taking my anger out on the only survivor of the accident would be easier. But I only ended up hurting myself because believe or not even though it's a little to late I love you Violet Michaels. I love you so much." I had finally gotten that off my chest and it felt good but Violet's reaction wasn't good.

" No you don't get to say that just you could hurt me. I've already had enough betrayals. You don't love me you just want to hurt me." Violet was now full on tears. I didn't ever think the sight of someone crying would break my heart so much. " I know you don't believe me but I'm not going to give up . I'll prove to you how much I love you even it takes me my whole life."

She stood up getting ready to leave. " Good bye Black .I wish you all the best. "

" I meant what I said Michaels I won't ever give up on you . It's goodbye only for now."