

Enchanted Forrest

Walking along in the cool summer breeze in the enchanted Forrest brings about beautiful sunset covered skies. It's a place of serenity that eases my troubled mind where all dreams come true. Positivity erupts out of volcanic bursts of sunshine throughout the soft green pastures. Flowers bloom randomly within reach making it easy to capture most precious memories. The flapping of butterfly wings remind me I've found my destination bringing visions of fairies. Fireflies light up the air reaching for a purpose determining direction the lilacs lead. A purpose at life to its fullest as lady bugs throw prayers towards heavens sky one by one for they can hear your thoughts. Gnomes strut about giving affirmations that help move you on the path to success leaving happiness everywhere. Lemon drops squeeze scents transforms your negativity into melodious tunes. Whispering sounds radiate a change within oneself confirming confidence. Tears disappear as comfort comes showering down gifts of compassion. Deers gracefully eat acorns out of soft gentle hands telling stories of your childhood. Galavanting along streams of water where peace washes you white as snow. Birds rising to new depths caring all fears away. Mildly sipping gratitude from the depths of meadows short encounters feeling drowsy as limbs catch before a fall. Soundly sleeping against cascading willows lightly swinging amongst dawn's arrival. Waking to the sound of birds chirping in various hues of reds and pinks. For this is the Forrest of possibilities where love is spread equally to everyone. A place without worries where all dreams truly come to life. Soaring down on angels wings bringing forth a new way of life reminding each individual person of their own worth.

hear see and feel walking along in a forrrst
© Brandi N. Willard