

Destiny Part (V)
Noof when came out of her room. She totally disagreed with her mom to get married right now. Her mom made her understand that this is the right time to get married. She refused again and again sometimes saying she don’t want to marry unknown and sometimes something else. Finally when her mom thought that she won't agree she avoided her saying “don't call me your mother"
She couldn't help with it. She agreed to get married. When the day of engagement came Arsheen’s thought stroke her mind. She avoided that because she was getting engaged whom she don’t know.
When the arrived at the venue. She gazed at the back side of the guy. He was looking familiar.
When the guy turned he was none other than
Noof: “ARSHEEEEEN!!!!.
Arsheen looked at her amazingly. He just got blush as she called his name giving stress on every damn letter
Noof: “Oh! I’m sorry.”
Arsheen's Mom: “ It's genuine dear to get surprised.”
Noof: “ But before we're gonna get engaged I want to talk to him alone.”
Arsheen mom: Sure dear why not.
They left them to talk alone
Noof: Are you comfortable in marrying me?
Arsheen: Yes, What's wrong with it.
Noof: But I don’t want to get married. I first want to become independent. This all is compromise. Can you just reject me infront of them please!!
Arsheen: No, I won't they told us that first we will complete studies then marry we’re only going engaged today.
Noof: But I don’t want to marry you
Arsheen just got hurt by this cause he was so happy that he's going to get engaged with the girl he secretly loves
Arsheen : But I agreed with my parents and its gonna get me against then if I rejected you. You just marry me and after some months I'll file a divorce against you that time no one will ask for a reason.
Noof agreed but only they won't even come close to each other. No physical relation because for both of them now it was a compromise for both of them. After this both of them attended the engagement ceremony and got engaged.
Today it's the day when they're gonna get married but they didn't talked to each other since they got engaged. Noof was ready and standing near window of her room and waiting when she will be called to come out and leave for her in-laws home. Then her cousins came and took her out by holding her hand she was looking damm beautiful in her deep maroon gown.
After sometimes they reached there she doesn't noticed Arsheen when she was about to come out of car some dashing guy opened the door for her she gazed at him. It was her hubby Arsheen and was looking smart . They were looking perfect. He holded her hand tightly and they head towards the house with hand in hand and they were looking so cute together. When they fulfilled some more traditional customs they headed to their room as it was a deal. So Arsheen told her that he'll sleep in couch and she can sleep on bed comfortably.
After few months of this. Arsheen opened his cupboard and a diary fell on ground well decorated ( what was written in it really surprised Arsheen and what was penned in it will be disclosed at last)
Noof was cleaning her room and there was Arsheen’s phone kept aside on which a text message got displayed
Text message : Hey babe we're are you yesterday we had a lot of fun. When are you gonna meet me today….
Noof felt as her cheeks were burning. She got soooo much angry over Arsheen. She kept the phone aside again and wanted to scream, shout and cry and wanted to know the truth at the same time. Her eyes filled with tears but she controlled herself. After sometime Arsheen entered the room and checked his phone and smiled..
Arsheen: Noof I have to go out…..

Why did Noof got hurt if for her marriage was only a compromise?
Is Arsheen having an affair?
Who was that girl who texted Arsheen????
Wanna know more stay tuned. Last episode is coming out tomorrow
© wanderer♡