

Specialist In Conflict (Chapter 1)

Welcome to chapter 1 of Special In Conflict series. ENJOY!


Nate's POV:

The CSA building is filled with agents of all post, doing their duties while I was at the trainer's room with agent Penelope Dunham fighting when a tall slim man like a skeleton came to interrupt our training.

"Excuse me agent Nate..."

I ignored the man, and I twist my opponent's hand, making her release a cry. "How about that Pen? Now say that I am the boss of you." I mocked at her.

She hated me for always calling her 'Pen'. It actually pretty cool short cut for Penelope, isn't that just so unique?

"Agent B15..."

"Say I am the boss of you Pen!" I said to the girl that I am not crepting with over my shoulder and throwing her down on the ring.

"Stop calling me that..." she replied gritting her teeth as she unexpectedly jumped to her feet, the bottom of her heel meets my face, I stagger back. Losing my balance, I fell on the floor and she plants her feet on my chest.

"Now who's the boss?" She said smiling.

"Agent Nate..." skeleton continued calling me.

"Okay okay... Pen, you win." I said in defeated, panting heavily.

Penelope stretched her hand towards me. I grabbed it, standing to my feet.

"You better stop calling me Pen, Nut." She insisted.

"You have to stop calling me Nut." I replied.

"Agent Nate..."

"What the hell Rayon, what is it that you want again?" I ask annoyingly, turning to the scratchy man standing by the doorway.

He cleared his throat, "Mrs Herpes is calling for you right away. It's very important."

"I will be right there." I said, Rayon living the room.

Penelope chuckled, as she is putting a bandage around her palms. "How many time were you asked to go to her office, Nut?"

"It doesn't matter Pen." I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

I and Penelope have been CSA agents for the past five years. We are of the same age, born the same day but from different parents before any of you start thinking we are twins. We ain't even related but just best friends. We've been sent in missions together in those yearly years and we definitely know we're good at what we do.

I wore my shirt and left to go to the office wandering what I am called for. We just got done with making sure a fraudster of the Public constitute is arrested, and indeed he was. I thought we will be getting our a week of rest but it has just been three days.

The Conflict Service Agency was a large building, and the area was enormous. It had everything in it, a restaurant, rooms, trainings, and classes of the agents before they could be qualified to become permanent in the Conflict Service Agency. Mostly the classes are between the ages of 15--25 years but it all depends how fast one learns the policy and what it means to be part of the CSA.

I trudged through the series of hallways, bumping into the other agents for it was filled with them walking to and fro.

"Hello agent 15."

"Hi Whitney." I waved back at the blonde-heaed smartass agent.
I reached for Mrs Herpes' office and entered. Surprisingly she was with agent A90, Zayne Holland. Mrs Herpes was showing him something on the computer screen.

"Agent Nate!" Mrs Herpes exclaimed as soon her eyes met mine. "I have been waiting for you all day."

Curiously I asked, "Why is that?" I glanced at Zayne who had a smirk on his face.

"I have a job for you..." She said, opening a cabinet and pulling out a file. "I gave you a week of rest but this needs to be done as soon as possible."


" It's not a murder case, it's  a spy case." She lends me a file and took it in curiosity.

I flipped the file open, and a face of a girl with dark hair in a bob came to view. She wears a serious look as if she was a prisoner, her eyes are bloodshot and her brows are narrowed. She looked like she was scowling at me. She's so not my type. Those lips are not kissable. They are pretty dry that I cannot notice the color of them. 

"Midget Michaud? Seventeen years from L.A.? Senior at Rainfall High... Parent; Duncan Michaud; mother deceased, Status, a troublemaker..." I read.

"Exactly. That's the girl I want you to spy on; for I have chosen her to be part of the CSA."

I looked at Mrs Herpes in awe, and then glanced at Zayne, he had an amused look.

"Do you know about this?" I asked him.

"Of course I do." He said nonchalantly.

I shook my head in disbelief. "And you agree to this?"

Mrs Herpes had an amusement look which I ignored because she liked to see Zayne and I argue.

"Listen Nate, it's the best thing of the mission that we have on the FFs, so we need her in as soon as possible."

"Don't you both realise that she is not well-built to join the CSA agents in a snap. She has to go in a process just like the others."

"That's why I need you to attend the Rainfalls high by next Monday to spy on her so you could get to know her better. She's a senior and wherever she goes troubles goes with her. We need such a person in your team agent Nate." Mrs. Herpes stated

"You don't need to tell me who I need in my team Mrs Herpes."

"Nate, just do what you are commanded to do and we are doing it for your sake."

"Then get her in your team Zayne because I am not doing it." I plonked the file back on the desk.

"Then consider yourself out of the CSA for a month." Zayne retorted.

"Are you suspending me?"

"Yes I am and I will definitely get agent Sammy to do the job."

I scowled at him, "thanks for been a good brother Zayne." I said sarcastically, grabbing the file off the desk.

"You might like her Nate!" Mrs Herpes said in amusement.

I said nothing and bolted out of the office.


© sarahmbfacts