

The Unwanted Dream!!!...(part-6)
Robert said,"Okay,I have a plan" then Gilbert said,"And what is that?"Ava said,"Now, we also have to travel in time."Gilbert and Robert said,"Yeass!"
Robert said,"we'll go on that site where your space ship is present & I'll try to make a Time machine by using those instruments through which space ship was made.Ava said,"I hope this plan will work!"Gilbert and Robert said,"It will definitely work!"They take the space ship to their cave as Ava told it can be dangerous to make here because of dinosaurs. Then they open nut & bolt of it one by one and take instruments. after working two days continuously. they made a time machine. Gilbert said,"but you've told us that you had made a device that is to fixed on head & thus you reach here"Ava said,"Yes Robert". Robert said,"this is another construction I've done two research on that & thaugt that let's try it,no?" Ava said,"Ohh, Robert what if it'll not work, why did you not make that?" Robert said,"I think something wrong in that device so......"Gilbert said,"it's okay it'll work nothing wrong we made in that mach....."Then Robert said ,"What???..."Gilbert raise his hand horizontally and said,"These.... these are Titan robots"Ava said,"Oh my god!"They take off their terrible gun (Ava & Gilbert). Robots also. They become opposite to each other (Robots ,Ava & Gilbert). Then they shoot at each other one robot injured and one remains. Robert has hide back of Time machine as he has never done so. but as the Ray of gun is to shoot Gilbert!!!...
To Be Continued......