

Under the Camarines Sky: Teaser
Maria, a writer from Manila struggling to complete her upcoming novel, finds herself stuck with writer’s block. Seeking inspiration, she takes a spontaneous trip to Camarines Sur, hoping that a change of scenery might clear her mind. There, she meets Carlo, a kind-hearted appliance technician with a passion for simple living. What starts as casual conversations over coffee turns into long phone calls, and eventually, meaningful meetups across different places in Camarines Sur.

But just as their bond deepens, Carlo confesses to Maria that he has an illness: he’s been diagnosed with lung cancer. The weight of his illness pulls them into a different kind of story—one not just about finding love, but about facing the inevitable realities that come with it.

Will Maria and Carlo's love be enough to defy the challenges ahead, or will their story be one of beautiful but fleeting moments? Under the Camarines sky, love is tested, and the ending—happy or heartbreaking—is yet to be written.

(This is not your typical love story)

© SparklesZoe ✨️