The kitchen story...
The kitchen story....
Prior my MAA'S of saturation of existing on earth I never peeped into kitchen (Maa's kitchen), not even to fetch a glass of water for me, Baba said my daughter is not born for cooking, he said my Daughter will hold a pen that is all, relaxed, leisurely the Baba's Girl I chose to hold the pen, never ending dramas mine, when I was at class IV once I was bitten by a stay dog,...
Prior my MAA'S of saturation of existing on earth I never peeped into kitchen (Maa's kitchen), not even to fetch a glass of water for me, Baba said my daughter is not born for cooking, he said my Daughter will hold a pen that is all, relaxed, leisurely the Baba's Girl I chose to hold the pen, never ending dramas mine, when I was at class IV once I was bitten by a stay dog,...