


Ebony, Ebony are you ok she heard the lawyer say. She was in a daze from the thought of what the lawyers had just informed her of. She knew it was bad news when the two men dressed in black suits
first got out of the car.
But low and behold this bad news carried along with it a dream never dreamt.
Still dazed here's the keys you can come to the office to pick up the deeds was the only thing she caught as the lawyers walked out.
Ebony's grandma died leaving her everything. As she pulled in the yard she sat there remembering all the fun she and her sister had playing here as kids.
Every summer off to grandma's, her mother would send them to stay with her getting them out of the city. The house was always spotless nothing out of place in this house Grunma and Granpy is what we called them. Now that was a love till death did them part 60 years of love and devotion.
Hey girl, I thought that you'll never get here
Max said giving me a hug. Maxine is my sister she was living with taking care of Grunma. I stayed in my old room sleeping as cozy as ever I loved it here this was my favorite place to be. Days went by as Max and I started going through things deciding what to keep and what to get rid of when we remembered something.
The old desk in the attic with a locked drawer. We both would always wonder what was in there why was it kept locked.
Friday night with nothing to do we got Grunma's keys went to the attic you open it I said handing the keys to Max. Well Max unlocked the drawer sliding it slowly as if she was scared it would fall apart. Wow we both said at the same time there was every letter and note that Granpy had ever wrote to het.
That night we stayed up all night reading what love really was to them. When we found the first short letter that he ever wrote to her.
We've been talking for a while now and I haven't said much to you.
You know I've been hurt, and you've been hurt too.
I'd like to start talking to you again if that's ok with you. The trauma that I have been in is not as bad as it was meant to be.
I've gone through a lot of changes and some of them has changed me.
I lost my will to love somehow so I just backed away. My soul itself is mending my spirit is better too. But what lost most is my know how to love will you teach me how to love again.
© "Cloud