

Constantly running inside
With so many constant thoughts running inside the head, overthinking on a regular basis have become more of a daily routine in check. Well , sometimes it gets hard and gets impulsive due to frustration and inefficiency if added to it which will be like adding fuel to fire.
Can be termed as congenital? maybe a gift by birth or curse is still unsure but definitely a striving force to move forward during some cases. Overthinking seems as a natural phenomena that occurs and asking to stop is like asking to stop breathing. Not surprisingly getting lost in their own mind for long hours losing a sense of reality and present anticipating the future so focused and processing. Thoughts which can't be stopped at any cost and ideas generating, intrigued by some mysteries and zeal to find the answers to all the questions arised in head and a fear of failure that flashes for once in a blue moon. It's hard to deal with so much going inside the head at times, some call it as a gift and some call it a curse, for the person it's both and depends accordingly.

© RR
( BG credits : Oxbridge home learning)
#runningthoughts #hardtodeal #Curseorgift? #overthinking #fullofideas