

Hallucinations Vs. Hakunamatata
HALLUCINATIONS often create wandering of mind. Wandering of excuses and convincing points to gather up information at one exact point. When ever you try to stick to gravity, the centifugal force of thoughts escalates it. No matter how hard you try, the thoughts keep juggling in your mind. This situation provokes you and makes you irritated and you get frustrated. Rendering to suffer but landing in hollow space. What could happen? Or what should happen? What if? Or What if not? Triggering questions bang your brain and force you to captivate. Knowing it unkowingly that you will surley trail off and this causes you pain. Headaches and fever that you can't handle . Failure is the exact answer to your probability of fear. In this blind scenario a beam of hope astonishes you. Your friend and your guiding tool for the entangled cobweb of problems. Your bonkhead true friend. Giving you a gasp of ice and an ear to listen to all of your lists of wrong answers and problematic situation. You know that she has got no solution but you still tell her your out of curiosity and fears of rejection. You have no one but that one idiot around you. Out of depression and loaded with emotions, you just tell her every single detail. You try to convince her on your point of view which is totally out of her illogical mind but still you create a charisma of solution to the problem. You know that others are not going to let you do this. Others won't like your solution and won't understand it. But you know your mindless friend will understand. She will stand with you here and after too and the world will know that what you have got standing beside her. You humbly hold her hand and make her see the real picture. The picture of the story. The exact problem that has been retaining on your mind long time ago and now you have got the solution to it. The moment you decide to tell her out of excitement she listens to it whole heartedly and creates a dramatic scene along with you. Suddenly she booms you out with hellfire laughter that this problem does not exist.
You just get boiled up saying that HALLELUJAH i have got the most sensible person to share an idea with. She bucks you up and pat on the back. Making it sure that nothing bad has ever happened or going to happen. The situation becomes void and Hakunamatata for everyone. Because at the end she is the only one to take you out from your mental disorder. Thanks idiot for being my pal. Not for so long but for being around with me and bearing me with my crazy selfish thoughts.
You know at which point you have to hit the hammer on my head so that I can forget every single upsetting detail.

© msaminafy