

The Secret to Wealth

So many people suffers today because they don't know how to utilize what they have.....
In most countries especially in Nigeria,
Graduates are complaining the government is not providing work...
Who tell you, that it is a must for you to work with government?...
You are there roaming about from one company to another looking for job..

I will list and explain Five(5) Factors that are behind the secret of wealths...

1. Utilize What You Have..
When I mean utilize what you have,
Am not saying you should venture into prostitute or cyber crimes.....
There are so many ways to utilize what you have positively....

You have PhD in Mathematics, why not cry to God to tell you how to utilize it....
Proverb 18v16: The gift of a man maketh way for him,and make him sit with the king's....

you will see a graduate working as a Bike man, tell me those it befits Him?...
But do you realise he can make it from that same work?....
I guess you are confused?....
People will address you the way you position yourself.....
No matter what you lay your hand upon in this world, trust me there's success in it......

Those who are unsuccessful are those who thinks they are to big for a particular type of work

You will see some graduates telling you they cannot do dirty works.....
Yes ma'am, sir...
You are decieving yourself....
Maybe that's the work God will use in raising you up, as a graduate...

If you eventually venture into the job, the way you will package it will make people forget it's a dirty work....
Who tell you it is a must for you to use your credentials to work for government.....

We have seen a government workers yet she has nothing to accumulate for herself,

while we've also seen a common purewater seller who build house and brought car from it....

Jumoke The Bread Seller......

2. Iron Sharpeneth Iron
Yes ma, Yes Sir,
You need me, I need you,
the scripture says;
do not rely on your wisdom......

He/she might be younger than you but accept the fact that she know more than you....

A lamp can never see itself....
So many boss place their self in the position of God, that they tends not to accept the suggestion of their staffs... What ever they say or do is always right to them.....

If you are a type like that....
Yes sir, Yes ma....
You are one step away to poverty...
Take heed if you want to be wealthy..

3. Be A Giver
You wanna know the secret of wealth?
Then try to give, be a giver,
If you have two cups of garri, and your neighbour as none....
Give him quarter....
Yes, some people might be stingy, but at least give him quarter of it, not even half or one cup o.....
Tithe and offerings is also in this aspect....
According to the book of Malachi; He said he will open the windows of heaven for us.....
Out of 10 he requested for just 1,
And he infact promised us more blessings...just because we gave him 1 out of 10....

Know wonder most people ends up paying their tithes in the hospital.....
You gave the doctor with tears, yet the doctor collect it from you happily...
Now you lose.... To become wealthy you have to be a giver..

Constituency is the key to Success...
Little drop of water makes a mighty ocean....
You want to be wealthy, you want to be great, my brother, you have to start from somewhere...
Celebrities today did not just wake up in a day and start blooming...
Do what you love doing,and expect for the best...

This is mostly similar to point 1.
You have run here and there looking for job, but all to no avail...

Be creative, invest in something,
God don't want you to work under someone, he wants others to work for you.....

In Conclusion;
God gave everyone of us a talent to the secret of our wealth.... Discover it and grow in it....
To some, it might be the gift of teaching/preaching but instead of them to utilize it for the success of their wealth, they are busy gossiping about others.....

Obedience is the secret of wealth...

© @anointedyouths