

Healthy relationship with teens
If the right understanding comes at the right time in life, then the direction of life becomes very good. Like when a child is in adolescence and at that time you guide him very well, then his life starts becoming better and better.

In our India, a lot of knowledge has been given in the book about how to live with children in adolescence and how not to live, but in reality, guardians do not discuss much with their children.

Our children in adolescence go astray very quickly and if they want to correct them, they also correct themselves very quickly.

Sometimes such an environment comes that children feel that their parents do not love them, but it is not so, at that time the parents only feel that they have to collect the things needed by the children, so they are not able to give time to the children and the children feel very lonely.

A boy can have a girlfriend and a girl can have a boyfriend, this is just a love of attraction, it has no meaning because in maturity our choices become completely different, that is why I will say that those who have become parents now or will become parents in the future, all should always keep this in mind, at one time in the day, evaluate and think how you are behaving with your child.

It is also very important to talk to children from time to time, then everything is possible only through conversation, what is in your mind reaches their mind and what is in their mind reaches your mind, in this way a healthy relationship is formed.
If the relationship between the child and the guardian is very healthy then I think they cannot stray from the right path in adolescence.

© Ankita