


He fell for her the moment he saw her at the cliff side, gazing at the stars
She embraces life with open arms, full of love and passion
Adventurous and always wanting to explore the world
As he wished to explore her heart and mind
He was bound to her soul just as he was bound to a life he never wanted
One filled with hardship and negligence of the truth
He sought for meaning in his existence
And in that moment
He finally found something to keep him going
Something to wake him up, to hold him dowm
He had no desires, no ambitions
Everything was disappointing
And disappointment resided within himself
But he now has one to lift him up
A man made king
And a mad king he will become
All for this woman
And all for this woman he will do
And if it is called for
He will die
Knowing she wouldn't be troubled
He'll do what is necessary

© Aries Andino